Pioneers in Electric Vehicles Research and Development incubated under IIT Delhi, the mecca of technical pedagogy in India. We have made our mark in the history of India Automobile sector by flag bearing the first IC Vintage Car conversion to Electric Vehicle, a 1956 Volkswagen Beetle. Our aim is to provide affordable clean energy conveyance solutions to masses focusing on waste management and power efficiency at the same time, and this goes in line with our capability of “adding electric vehicles without adding new vehicles on the roads.”
Stewarding our capabilities and enthusiasm to achieve our aim, we are now burning the night oil towards developing a whole new line of Electric Bikes, Heavy Duty Vehicles and Earth Movers. We are also working towards building a community of automobile enthusiasts who would want to be a part of our success journey by developing an omni-channel Electric Vehicle Curriculum, which would imparted online through education portal and offline through internship program.