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One of its kind destinations for readers - with bookstore, subscription service and lifestyle merchandise inspired from books.
Basic Information
The Big Book Box is a book subscription platform that delivers up to five new released, premium hardcover titles to readers across the country every month. It comes along with a selection of premium merchandise to make reading more fun and the unboxing an experience worth cherishing. It simplifies the process of finding the best books from among thousands of books released each month with its strictly curated selection of the best 5 each month. A Big Book Box can be purchased at a starting price of just Rs. 1099 a month, with automatic renewals and manual renewals both the option.
Legal Name
Chapter One Bookstores & Internet Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Core Team
Surabhi Rai
Desh Deepak Singh


Product Launch

Jan | Product Launch

With four variations, our product was first made available for the readers. Most of our marketing was done via instagram in the starting phase.

Target Market
Ideally our customers are betwen the 18-42 age segment readers from tier 1 and 2 cities but eventually expanding to tier 3 as well.
User Age
26 to 34,  18 to 25,  35 to 45  
User Income
Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  