Chennai, Tamil Nadu based Unipro has been the market leader in providing Industrial Automation Solution making our customers building a truly Digital Industry 4.0. Their experts engage in consulting Barcode, RFID and IoT solutions for Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail in delivering a highly scalable & robust solution ensuring accurate data being captured. Their solutions can be seamlessly integrated to any back-end ERP which helps their customers in building a streamlined process. Founded by Anbuselvam and Aleem to address automation requirements, Unipro started its journey in 2002 at Singapore. Having learned the ropes in the Auto Identification and Data Capture(AIDC) domain, Anbuselvamexpandedits operations to India in 2005. By simultaneously expanding in Retail domain through RetailPOS software and in Industries through traceability solutions, Unipro has emerged as a market leader. It delivers exceptional results in the AIDC domain through its Barcode and RFID Solutions. Unipro currently serves multiple verticals through its RetailPOS software. It is now a force to reckon with in the Industrial Traceability Solutions arena. There are multiple industries to which it caters to – Manufacturing, Automobile, Pharma being a few of them. It also delivers products and hardware supplies to supplement the solution. Unipro has successfully executed over 200+ enterprise tracking and visibility solutions on diverse platforms.
Legal Name
Unipro Tech Solutions Pvt Ltd
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team