How To Build Up Your Resume To Get The Attention Of The Recruiters
Resume not only depicts your skills and achievements but it is the first impression that your employer read about you. So, let's quickly look into the do's and don't for it.
Your resume is one of the first things that the companies notice about you. A good resume is not just about experiences, achievements, and degrees that you have amassed. It is about convincing the recruiter that you are the person that they need for the job.

For a single post, the number of resumes that a recruiter goes through is sometimes hundreds. Part of bagging the job is making sure that your resume stands out among the ones that have been submitted. The following dos and don’ts can go a long way in helping you stand out for any recruiter.
The top five do’s of resumes
1. Begin with a template: There are numerous resume examples or templates available on the internet. You no longer need to go through the hassle of creating a resume right from scratch. All you need to do is select the one that fits the job you are applying for.
2. Keeping it short: Resumes are all about condensed information, and the ones that are more than a page long are generally looked down upon. Try keeping the resume with 600-700 words and do not go beyond two pages.
3. Keep a summarizing statement: An objective statement at the beginning is fine, but a summary statement at the end is just as important. It is like giving your potential employers a brief idea about everything that you have put on the resume.
4. The inclusion of contact information: Things like the current city of residence, a valid email id, and phone number are three things that you must include in your resume. You can also add links to your website or LinkedIn profile.
5. Mention the soft skills: In the present work scenario, soft skills are given as much importance as technical know-how. Your skills of organization, initiative, communication, and willingness to learn all need a clear mention in your resume.
The top five don’ts of resumes
1. Mention the obvious: Things like ‘proficient at using the internet’ is so universal now that they do not warrant a mention in the resume of a person. Focus on highlighting the unique skills rather than the obvious ones.
2. Wrong use of fonts: Do not exceed more than two fonts when you are drafting your resume. Also, use the professional looking fonts and not the ones that are all cursive and complicated to read.
3. Over-formatting your resume: A simple formatting and a traditional resume is your best bet. Do not go for too much of formatting unless you are an artist looking for a creative job. The resume should be about substance and style comes secondary.
4. Making a word document: The problem with word documents is that the formatting frequently gets changed when the recruiter opens it in their system. So, make sure that you send the resume in PDF format to make it retain the format.
5. Never lie: Lying on the resume is never a good idea, whether it is about your work experience, grades or institution. The recruiters are experienced enough to see through the lies; so avoid making this glaring mistake when drafting your resume.
You can apply for dream job using these guidelines on your resume, and your chances of going to next round of the process will certainly be higher than ever.