How to create a banner for social media

Credit: HowToStartABlogOnline.net
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'With the development of social networks is becoming increasingly important targeted advertising and, increasingly, there is a question about how to make it as efficient as possible for business. In order to successfully work with the targeting and reach your advertising goals, not only possess only the tools of advertising classrooms and auditoriums collection services because the first thing the customer sees — this banner. They attract attention, make go to the site and subsequently make the necessary set of actions.
In this article, we share the general guidelines for writing operating banners for the most popular social networks.
Getting to the creation of the banner should be guided by three key rules:
The colors used in the banner should be contrasted with respect to each other (not to be confused with screaming and repellent). The best option — 3 contrasting colors, echoes the color scheme used on the landing page.
The text should be concise and readable (you need to think about it in advance, as a distinctive feature of the banners in the social networks is their relatively small size), briefly reflecting USP or any benefits that distinguish the company and / or product from the competition.
Graphical elements need to “breathe” (for each of the elements must be sufficiently space).
Consider the main points that you should consider when creating banners for Facebook & Instagram.
Facebook has only one image format: 1200x628 pi, and it appears to all placements Facebook advertising. At first glance, everything is simple, but it is not so that the banner was shown on Facebook and cover maximum audience is not enough just to make a picture suitable format. Maximum advertising coverage will ensure only those images that contain no more than 20% of the text. To check the number of text Facebook has a special tool: https://www.facebook.com/ads/tools/text_overlay .
There are several ways that help to successfully pass the test of the text in the image and to ensure maximum coverage of the announcement:
Leave in the text only the main theses of the ad, or reduce its size. Reducing the size of the text, we must remember that the image will look at the twist-off is much less than it appears when you create. In addition, banner advertising can work not only on a desktop but also on mobile devices.
Select the text for any one area of the image. If you make different parts of the text as close to each other in the image space, the chance to be tested increases.
Decrease the contrast of the text relative to the background. The probability of successfully verified the text in the image is increased if you use dark green text on a light green background compared to using black text on a white background, for example.
“Sweep” of any part of the text. In this technique, you can “outsmart” test, and Facebook does not recognize the text. It is important not to overdo it and not to harm the banner from an aesthetic point of view.
When you create banners for Instagram with the text and the overall design is the same situation, as well as to Facebook.
The shape of the promotional images in Instagram can be arbitrary. Should be considered the minimum acceptable image formats: square — 600x600 px, rectangular landscape orientation — 600x135 px, rectangular in portrait orientation — 600x750 pixels.
The optimal size of the images — 1080x1080 p. The square shape is most appropriate for this social network. The banner should be placed a button call to action such as “Learn More”, “up”, “Try it now.” This element increases the click through ads in Instagram.
Remember image for social networking better in .png format, so that they do not lose quality when loading.
We have listed not all the tricks of creating banners for social networks. The following publications describe the other methods and tools for effective advertising messages. Good luck to you and your business!