4 Business Lessons I Learned From Hurricane Irma
It was a terrible event, but there are still lessons to take home
It was not long when the fearful hurricane Irma swept through certain states in the US and cleared off everything on its path. As the wind blew with great intensity, hurricane Irma not only blew away the roofs from the houses and displaced vehicles, it changed people’s lives completely.
Maybe it sounds strange that something as horrifying as a hurricane has the ability to teach valuable lessons. But nature, events and the people that cross our paths constantly, have a message to share with us. In this case, here are four business lessons I learned from hurricane Irma.
Lesson #1: Be alert and sensitive to changes
Before hurricane Irma came, not many people knew what they were to expect. People like me hardly keep up with the weather updates even though it is readily and easily available online. Some probably underestimated the intensity of the storm and stayed home instead of evacuating or relocating to somewhere safer.
As an entrepreneur, I learned that change is inevitable, and I must be alert and also ready to make adjustments. Smart entrepreneurs know this, and they leverage on the changes that take place in the market or target audience behavior. They know that if they are able to notice the changes and respond or adapt quickly, they will find themselves ahead of their competitors and turn those changes to their benefit.
Lesson #2: When you work as a team, you’ll win
It’s commendable how so many people responded to help the victims of hurricane Irma. Thousands worked in unison to search for survivors. They worked tirelessly in order to ensure that those who were alive were safe and well-taken care off. On another front, different people from all over the world, irrespective of race and creed, joined hands together to volunteer and raise money to help those in need.
Similarly, as an entrepreneur, you cannot do everything alone. That is why you need a formidable tea, and a mastermind group to work with. Among other things, your team will help make things easier for you as you leverage on their different skills and expertise. And beyond that, you can always expand your network using theirs.
Lesson #3: Stick with the essentials
As hurricane Irma swirled from house to house and the pressure to evacuate rose, the next thought that came to almost everyone’s mind was, “What should I take along? I’m going to lose everything.” In such situations, you’re more under pressure to decide on what matters the most.
One of the principles of the Lean Startup method is to create the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). What this denotes is that you start with a prototype. Your major concern should be if your MVP is able to give value to your clients.
What gets many entrepreneurs stuck is when they preoccupy themselves with the little details that don’t matter. Some spend hours on end perfecting their product. Although perfectionism has its good sides, such attitude towards business can slow down your progress and you begin to lose sight of what matters.
Lesson #4 Stay resilient no matter what hits you
Coming face-to-face with the hurricane and all the horrors that come along with it is the scariest thing ever. In such a situation the uncertainty of whether you’ll be able to survive takes over. Some people were closed in their homes, while some were stranded in really precarious positions. Those who survived through it all were the ones who made up their minds to be resilient no matter what.
This is the type of resilience every entrepreneur should have when running their business. There are bound to be times when the business will be on rocky ground or even barely able to stay afloat. In such a situation, you should press on; stay patient and resilient no matter what’s coming your way.
Desperate cases have given rise to innovative ideas. In your desire to keep your business alive, you become more solution-oriented than problem oriented. This type of attitude is what will position you and your business for greatness.