The @ctivated classroom!
Towards Quality & Excellence In Academics

Towards Quality & Excellence in Academics
Wow, the activated classroom is a fun learning experience for quality and satisfaction for kids. How children learn is a concern today for we can not teach the way we were taught. Teaching through technology must be a practice rather than an occasional occurrence, for sure if there has to be a Wow feature within classrooms.
As teachers we must not use technology as a silicon coating, but with harnessing the power of technology to connect with our students. No more it is about copying and pasting which we have had been doing over the years. For power corrupts politicians so as the powerpoint corrupts the teachers, if it has just slides and no explanations. For a matter of thought and intelligence, the platform should be to share for show rather than expecting it to be the only parcel for knowledge delivery. There is a certain need to implement a new way of teaching through technology and hence a digital pedagogy is what is required the most. The teachers need to introspect how children may learn in this networked environment. We can’t simply take a text book and deliver it digitally, rather the need here is to explore the power to harness the best via connectivity and creativity to connect.
We just can’t actually think and re-discover the chalk board and make it a smart board to deliver knowledge. What is required is a novel mindset of love, care and delivery of priorities for our children within classrooms. We ultimately need a different paradigm for teaching, a different pedagogy which talks about creation, control of chaos, connect to correcting and above all consumption to creation. The teachers need to change their thinking of how they are going to use technology in education.
For sure, we are living in a world of change, There are ample tweets each minute, ample facebook page views each minute. The term which intensifies the tech world with pride. The new age learning and the new age learners are a pride for the generation. In every taste the ICT rules the rod. The photo views of flickr which mounts to n’ undefined, explores the universal learning of repute. With each minute of over 47,000 app downloads on the apple store encapsulates a new phase of dimensional learning taking place out of the hunger for knowledge. Of course all these facts did not exist before 2004 by any chance. The availability of data online fascinates the new learner in multiple ways who tend to be a multitasker in pave to grab the unknown. To sound far-fetched but true, the schools over the years have not changed. They have taken the same task to be limited to rows and columns with a teacher at pace. They typically at large have no technology hence there has been no change. There are reports too, “Failed iPad Experiment Shows BYOD Belongs in Schools.”, “LA. Cancels iPads-in-the-schools program: a failure of vision, not technology. In spite of all our heavy investments at schools, it appears there is a failure of our strategy or the vision to implement the best of technology in education. And above all it appears the failure of our pedagogy. One of our mistakes as educators is CTRL + C & CTRL + V. Necessarily as COPY and PASTE for this just can’t solve the concerns but expands the issue in particular. This is one of the mistakes we get to govern while implementing technology in our schools.
Similarly, the conclusion goes by fetching the scenario of obvious reasons, which relate to shifting the teaching into a new realm. The core teaching principles having a shift, need an @ctivated model so as to conclude with the no looking back in perfection. The teachers need to be an advocate for the holistic education. This transforms the learners in a big way to assist learning and make it happen within the classrooms. Teachers need to keep things simple and do what works for them. For we, the teachers cannot teach the way we were taught. Above all the students, at large, would only like the subject if they like the teacher and this is one of the solitaire truth for any holy classroom in particular. Teachers need to have a wellness routine planning sheet, getting the win-win approach of the happiness index of the students, roll number wise. Indeed, the classroom management has been identified as a major concern for teachers and if they don’t get along the learners as bosses or clients with affection, the management of the class appears a slang. The teachers in majority have a wrong notion that classroom management is much to do with discipline only and is limited to the children being quiet in the class, whereas the goals include identification of misconceptions about managing the teaching, the students and the consequences. The teachers of age need to broader the very conception of classroom management and ultimately need to provide a framework among the colleagues for developing their own classroom management plan. Engaging the children in instructions often leads to classroom management but is limited to a classic time only. For having an activated classroom, there has to be a thoughtful physical environment supported by establishing caring relationships and implementation of engaging instructions.
By: Dr. Dheeraj Mehrotra, Academic Evangelist, Author & National Awardee, Next Education India Pvt. Ltd. Hyderabad.