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How to Hire PHP Developers in 2020? 4 Simple Process

PHP is the best language for developing static and dynamic websites. Learn how to hire PHP developers to develop your friendly website.

How to Hire PHP Developers in 2020? 4 Simple Process

Wednesday April 15, 2020 , 6 min Read

PHP aka Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language for developing both static and dynamic websites and also to build web applications. 

PHP is released in 1994 and in starting PHP is known as Personal Home Page Tools and later it is named Hypertext Preprocessor. Another fact is, PHP was formerly created in the Perl language and later transferred into C language to help the users to learn it easily. 

According to stats, approximately, 78% of the websites in this world are built with the PHP language and most of the popular businesses use this PHP as its server-side language. PHP executes its code with the server and it establishes the results in the browser. So, it is the best server-side scripting language for building web applications. 

Advantages of Using PHP in your Apps: 

  • PHP is an open-source and free language which is used by any of the developers to build applications 
  • This technology is easy to learn and simple to implement in your business project. 
  • It supports all operating systems which is an added advantage to those who rely on PHP language 
  • The performance of the application is higher and maintaining a website or web app with PHP code is a very easy process. 

PHP Application Examples: 

The following are some of the popular websites that are using PHP language: 

  • Facebook 
  • Yahoo 
  • Tumblr  
  • Flickr 
  • Mailchimp, etc., 

As you see above, these websites are popular among people and generate a lot of traffic on its platform. So, PHP is having a future and you can use this PHP to build your websites or web application. 

PHP Developers: 

Other than PHP, website or web app development need languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 

A PHP developer is one who has wide knowledge in PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS to build web applications. 

Hire PHP Developers: 

If you are not a programmer, then you can simply hire PHP developers from a reputed PHP development company to build your web application or to build your business website. You have to remember that this web app or website is the identity of your business where you can showcase all of your products and services to your targeted customers. So, you have to develop a web app that helps you to convert your visitors into customers. 

How to hire PHP developers

How to find and hire PHP Developers? 

To make your task easier, here I will mention the four different ways that are simple and easy to pick your PHP programmers for your project. Let’s start: 

  • Research more and in-depth 
  • Find developers in dedicated websites 
  • Conduct an interview 
  • Implement the best hiring model 

Research more and in-depth: 

If you want something good, you have to research a lot. By searching deeper, you can find a lot more things from which you can the best. 

So, to find the developers, you can search using search engines. Google is the best search engine and if you are using another one like Bing, Yahoo, etc., proceed with this step with that. 

In Search engines, you can use the following keywords to find the developers that matched your criteria: 

  • Hire PHP Developers 
  • Hire PHP Developers at low cost 
  • Hire PHP Developers in the (particular location like USA, India) 
  • Hire the best PHP Developers  

Likewise, you can use the keywords to find the developers that too based on your comfortable location. 

After searching, you can have search results with a lot of development company websites (that almost matches your criteria), from where you can choose the one PHP development company. It is a traditional way of finding the company but your search term is important and very clear. 

Find developers in dedicated websites: 

There are many websites online that are dedicatedly displaying the results for the different app development companies. Some of the popular websites are: 

  • Clutch: Clutch is a B2B reviews and rating company where it displays app development companies for different categories like PHP, Mobile app development, software development, etc., along with location filters. So, it is one of the best websites to find your developers. 
  • Good Firms: Good Firms is similar to Clutch where you can also hire app developers for your application with a lot of filters. These kinds of websites are also providing you the existing customer rating that will help you understand more about a particular company. 
  • Classified Websites: Classified websites are used as an advertisement platform where a lot of companies make a profile. It is also one of the ways to find a good app development company with your budget. 

Conduct an Interview: 

After filtering a few companies, make a friendly conversation with the development team to know which company satisfies your requirements. 

Skills to be noted in the developers are: 

  • Technical skills:  As said before, the developers you choose should know PHP language, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Also, a framework is a library of a programming language and Laravel is the best framework for PHP. So, the developers should know anyone of the PHP frameworks like Laravel. 
  • Communication Skills: Communication is the medium between you and your developers. So, the developers should communicate well to discuss your project and also to understand your necessities. 
  • Decision-Making Skills: You are hiring a PHP developer because you are unaware of that technology. So, your developer should have decision-making skills to provide you more ideas to improve your app performance. 

Implement the best hiring model: 

Execution is as important as planning a process. So, after choosing the company (that are relevant to your needs) using the above methods, now, you have to use any one of the following: 

  • Choose on a timely basis: If you are building a static website or simple web app without regular updates, then you can choose the PHP developer on an hourly or monthly basis.  
  • Choose on a long-term period: But if you are planning for a dynamic website like Amazon, or web application with regular updates like Facebook, then you have to hire PHP developers for a long-term period because you don’t have to make this whole complete process again to find another developer to make changes on your application. 

So, choose the method which suits you and make an agreement with that developer or development team of the company to proceed with your app project. 


I hope this article helps you to find your PHP programmer quickly for your app development project. Hence choose the popular PHP app development partners or Laravel developers on a timely basis to develop your website or web applications.