Reinvigorate your Workplace and Career growth this New Year
“The better the energy in your workplace office desk, the better the quality of your own energy”.
As we are inching near to the New Year, let us all embark upon symbolic practice and craft some of the best healing rituals which retains the ability to encourage a steady career advancement, your brain and reinvigorate your workspace. The aim of these beautiful rituals is to focus on uplifting your inner energies and aligning it with positive, willful manifestation of the physical world. So, if you're looking to fabricate a perpetual change and maximize growth in your career in New Year 2020, you must propel for a comprehensive open-minded introduction to some powerful holistic healing tools of crystals and phenomenal manifestations.
Why to turn your workplace into sacred space and reinvigorate its energy
“The better the energy in your workplace office desk, the better the quality of your own energy”.
It is highly imperative to charge, cleanse and purify our workplace environment energetically we work in with life giving energies to naturally balance our environment, keep influencing our state of mind with positive energy and garner immense benefits from it.
Sometimes while working in our office, we often fail to tune into our spiritual selves, we feel out of the place or like we just don’t belong here and we lack enthusiasm due to the sense of negative energy revolving in our surroundings. We spend a lot of time at our workplace office desk to create a profound impact on our career. An office desk provides us personal boundaries for work privacy, helps us to become creative, to do more in finding business solutions and makes us catalyst for a change. Perhaps, even after offering a creative viewpoint of the work force efforts, sometimes it simply doesn’t respond smoothly. We face down time that proffers stress & negativity to creep within our mind. Reason can be stress or busy schedule or negative attitude of colleagues or electromagnetic fields all around us.
Thus for the above scenario, these healing rituals below can be of great significance and give us a sense of wellness needs to permeate into our working desk, considering the level of workplace dynamics.
Focus on the first 12 days of the year
The first 12 days of the year represent the whole year. (January 1 stands for the month of January, January 2 for February, and so on.) By practicing loving kindness, openness, and generosity while giving thoughtful attention to the significance of each of these 12 days, you will consecrate the entire coming year.
The Art of Setting intentions and the power of the intentions
Basically, you attract what you're thinking about. A consciousness Life follows our thoughts. If you're thoughts are all doom and gloom, that's what will show up in your life. If you think about & express positive changes you want to bring about in your professional life, and do the needful, you might start manifesting the same in your life in the New Year. If you want to manifest certain things in 2019, write them down now. When you get up each morning or at night before you sleep, read your list and imagine that these things have already happened. Intention settings will help you re-charge a dime motivation as this is an active step to awaken the consciousness and purpose within you by which can more likely to attract opportunities if you believe your intention. Setting an intention daily helps you to live from your heart and achieve your goals.
Burning Rituals -
Manifesting through bay leaf - Fuel growth, prosperity and abundance in your professional life by bay leaf burning ritual. Take a full bay leaf, with a marker pen, write your intention on it, for example "salary rise". Take the bay leaf in your hand and imagine the salary rise is already done. Then burn the bay leaf using a candle. Bay leaf has immense magical powers and high vibrations. You can write any intention on the bay leaf that you want to manifest
Turn your desk into a peaceful sanctuary and sacred space by de-cluttering and incorporating beautiful healing Crystals
1. Cleanse and de-clutter your desk –
A cluttered physical space permeates into the mind & it gets difficult to think clearly. De-cluttering empowers and increases the flow of positive energy to work. It is equally important to energetically cleanse your space. Placing a few bundles of fresh sage in water can help remove negative energy from your space. You can also use camphor lamp or diffusers, they are also powerful manifestations for clearing the place from negative energies.
2. Crystals have been used for healing since the dawn of ancient civilization. Diversified healing crystals harness the life giving elements of the Earth and the universe. Ancient cultures all around the world including Egyptians, Mayans and Sumerians have used healing powers of crystals to align, clear and transform their energy within them and present in their environment. Crystals possess a great proficiency to push and transform the energy into your body, mind and spirit as well as the environment we live in through inducing resonant frequencies. The way electricity works by transferring energy into an object, the similar way healing crystals are exceptionally competent to harness life giving energy of the Earth and the Universe from the quantum field and transfer it into your own energy field or environment.
- Piece of Selenite crystal to cleanse the energy of your workplace desk - Selenite is a must in the workplace as it is known as “mother nature’s natural healer” and “master cleansing stone”. Selenite is like liquid light has a power to release spiritual blockage and believed to promote spiritual development in the environment. It vibrates with a flow of bright and positive energy. Not only does selenite purify other crystals and the environment that surrounds it, it also never needs to be cleansed. You can keep a raw Selenite piece or Selenite Orgone Pyramid at your desk beside your computer or laptop near you so to give you more clarity, increase your intuition and make you more productive at workplace environment.
- Black Tourmaline - You cannot get rid of the electromagnetic radiation in most jobs. Black Tourmaline is an extremely protective stone that will help shield you from EMFs as well as negative energy. And if you use an orgone pyramid made of black tourmaline, it even amplifies the effects. It also makes a great decor piece and a paper weight.
- Green Aventurine tree - To manifest prosperity & money, green aventurine crystal is a great crystal to have at your desk. A tree made of green aventurine chips makes a great choice to feed in our prosperity intentions & get reminded of the intentions everyday when we see it at our desk. Upper left of your desk is the Wealth and Money area. So you can place it there.
- Pyrite on business card - Placing Pyrite crystal over your business card is said to attract abundance. The properties of Pyrite will help you attract money and prosperity as well as success in your professional life. Not just for attracting money, this crystal also creates a shield of protective energy, and blocks out the negative emotions and energy. By keeping you from becoming emotionally defeated, it encourages you to have the confidence for necessary, measured risks.
- Shunghite for EMF protection - Shunghite mineral is said to be able to actually absorb the EMFs while raising your energetic frequency. Keeping a small piece of raw Shunghite under or near your laptop can be of great help.