Advertise with us- Water from Narmada to travel to the parched lands of Rajasthan. In related news, one Mangalore institution of learning has taken an innovative approach to enlist the use of rainwater to make sure that they have supply even in drier months.
- Would you like some genes with that? Case to allow genetically modified brinjal moves up to the HC towards a path for widespread avaialability.
- In Karnataka, workers may now be required to sign in and out every time they want to take a break. George Orwell would be proud.
- Although at time overly-cautious, the Dalai Lama said that India has historically been sympathetic to the plight of Tibetans in the country
- Human interest story: girl rescued after falling into a well
- It could be worse: Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe has been rumored to have forced his political opponents to eat their election posters!
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