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TC-I Tidbits

Friday May 16, 2008 , 1 min Read

  • Energy and the Environment: Tata Power promises an environmentally conscious power plant in Cuttack and also pledges to pay above market rates for acquiring the land. The national government launches its ‘Green India’ campaign that will plant trees over 6 million hectares of degraded forests over the next 10 years.
  • Women and Media: Women at the National Conference of the Network of Women of Media (NWMI) come together to call attention to the potential of journalism to move beyond simply the known, traditional outlets.
  • Affordable Autos: In an attempt to compete with the Tata Nano, a joint partnership including Nissan, is looking to build their own 1 lakh car
  • PPP: The state of Maharashtra has hired the International Finance Corporation as a consultant in advising them in implementing public-private partnerships.
  • Sustainable Banking and Improvements The Financial Times has nominated ICICI, BlueOrchard, ABN Ambro and YES Bank for their Sustainable Banking Awards. Also, RBI will be sprucing up its banking in Lakshadweep to make it more accessible to various communities.