Your daily dose of headlines:
Health: The governments of India and Bhutan are looking to build a high quality health corridor in the Assam and Bhutan regions.
Government: The Ministry of Urban Development has launched an e-Gazzete to better inform the public.
The Power of Microfinance: A powerful feature on one 24 year old woman’s rise from poverty to a self-sufficient mother of three —
Three years ago, Jayanthi (24), a young widow, was a pavement dweller. With no roof and a meagre income from her part-time job as a domestic help, Chennai-based Jayanthi could barely provide a proper meal to her three children.
Today, Jayanthi brings home Rs 250 every evening. No longer a maid, she drives her own auto-rickshaw, bought with the help of an interest-free loan. Over the last two-and-a-half-years, she has regularly paid her monthly loan installment of Rs 100… in addition to her children’s fees. All three of them now go to school.