Nurturing Dreams
IWSB, an initiative of the Career Launcher Education Foundation is itself a product of an entrepreneurial dream. The entrepreneurial ethos is at the heart of the foundational principles of IWSB. This entrepreneurial spirit is embodied in our core values of Risk Taking, Openness, Ownership, Honesty and Commitment, and Innovation. The school through its Incubation Centre envisages promoting the values of entrepreneurial leadership, with the aim to nurture, harness and bringing to life entrepreneurial ideas among the student community and also facilitating such opportunities in the country at large. Srijan’09 is our first initiative to provide a springboard to those numerous entrepreneurial ideas across the whole country. The winning start?up ideas of the day will begin their entrepreneurial journey with us and travel the distance between the generation of a brilliant idea to becoming a successful enterprise. We plan to make Srijan a yearly activity and thus realize our dream to foster an entrepreneurial society in our country.
Key Features:
• Open to all Indian Nationals (Individual or group)
• Mentoring
• Incubation
• Startup Capital for Ventures
• Scholarship for Undergraduate students
• Two age categories:
• Under 18 Yrs
• 18 Yrs & above
• Event Launch [During Tie?Con(22?24th Oct), New Delhi]
• Stage I ? Executive Summary or 5 min video submission (you tube)
[Last date for Submission: 14th Dec 2008
Declaration of Stage I Results: 27th Dec 2008]
• Stage II–Regionals[16?18th Jan?in 4 cities(Kolkata?IIM?C;Delhi?IITD;
Declaration of Stage II Results: 19th Jan 2008]
• Stage III –Mentoring[20th Jan?21st Feb? top 10 teams]
• Stage IV ?Final Business Plan Submission[Deadline: 24th Feb]
Final Presentation [1st March?Delhi]
• Stage V?Incubation & Startup Capital [2nd March onwards in IWSB]
• Grassroots Innovations and Social Development
• IT/ITES/Web/Telecommunications/Electronics/E?Commerce
• Biotechnology
• Consumer Services ? ( Education, Healthcare, Tourism, Marketing Services,
Consultancy etc)
• Retail/Logistics
• New Product
• Others