Community Marketing Blog: We`re looking for marketing success stories we can publicise online for you.
The news is filled with Doom & Gloom but there are great stories of how you or someone you know used innovative marketing to grow their business. As a gesture of goodwill marketing, we want to help your business get attention for great innovations in marketing that have helped you grow despite the economy. Tell us about online or offline extraordinary things you've done that have helped you sell more and/or grow your customer base.
Follow Our Anti-Recession Tips And Blog Releases on twitter- SolSolutions
We're taking stories up to 500 words and will submit the blog to 7 top social networks, send out an RSS feed and ping over 30 blog indexes. Our blog is viewed by up to several hundred LinkedIn professionals from all over the world every week in addition to external traffic as a result of weekly newsfeeds to over 500,000 professionals.
Your approved article will be posted on these sites to support additional traffic, search engine results, and increase your visibility to huge social networks.
You can include a low resolution JPEG/PNG of your logo at a maximum size of 100x100px and choose the keywords and Technorati tags you would like to represent your article. We will also offer up to 3 hyperlinks back to your site or addresses of your choice. You are more than welcome to include your company address and contact information as well.
Your submission will feature on this blog's home page and be listed in our growing "Success Stories..." section.
To email your story send to: [email protected]. Final approved content will be posted within 48-72 hours. You will be notified once the blog on your business is live.
Some Ground Rules To Make This A Win-Win
Sales pitches for products or services will not be published. If we cannot get content to a publishable quality within 2 emails of correspondence, our apologies, we will have to decline posting the article. As we are not charging for this service, we need your support to write great content. Our goal is to work with you to inspire other companies and build on great networking principles. Your help making this goal a reality will help everyone win!
Check the link for further details