Daily Dump to organize Trash Trail on 28 May in Bangalore

Daily Dump is the brand of a company called Playnspeak.As a service, Daily Dump helps you manage your household waste and convert it to useful high-quality compost. It supports you with flexible service plans to achieve your goal of becoming a green citizen. Daily Dump is organizing Trash Trail on 28 May in Bangalore. So what exactly is a Trash Tail ? Read the below questions and answers to understand.Please tell me it’s not going to be a long lecture on how I need to segregate and recycle my waste?
No, we don’t really believe in lectures. We believe in hands-on seeing, discussing, debating, observing, questioning, understanding and learning.
So tell me - what’s this tour about?
This is a tour about us - me and you, our behaviour, what we buy, use and throw everyday, the people who work with our waste, what really happens to the waste once its away from our sight…..…and HOW what we don’t know about all of this is going to harm us.
The tour is also about going back home more enriched and capable of making more informed choices.
Who is the tour meant for?
This is a tour is for all those people who think that what they throw actually is not a problem. It is also for every person who is curious, wanting to learn and willing to make change happen. One thing is for sure, whoever you are, you come back changed after this tour! So be prepared for that.
How long is the tour?
We’ve planned the tour to start at 7.30 am and finish by 3 pm. However please keep in mind that there might be a slight variation depending on the size of the group, our pace, the traffic situation (that Bangalore is infamous for) and other such variables. But we do insist that you are there on time, so that we beat the heat and traffic.
What is the route of the tour?

How do I get to the meeting point?
You could drive or take public transport till our office in Indiranagar (the meeting point). We request you to report at this point between 7 – 7.20 am on the tour date. We will begin the tour at 7.30 am sharp. It’s important that we keep to time so that we can get the most out of this tour. You can park your vehicle here and then proceed in the tour van.
Address of the meeting point is 2992, 12A Main, HAL 2nd Stage, Bangalore 560 008

The map to get to our office is also available on our website : http://www.dailydump.org/sites/default/files/daily_dump_map.jpg
What should I bring along?
Please come armed with a bag of waste (could be scraps of papers, plastic, foam - actually any dry waste), a cap, a sling bag that’s not too heavy in case you want to carry a camera, dark glasses, a bottle of drinking water. Stationary will be provided.
Do bring along your medication, we will be carrying a first aid kit. And bring along Yourself of course - with an open mind.
What should I do to blend in?
To make sure that the group does not become obtrusive or offensive to the sensibilities of the people and places we are visiting, it is best to wear attire that is conservative, comfortable and not bling. We suggest full pants for men and traditional kurta pajama for women. Sensible walking shoes are a must.
Will I have to walk a lot during the tour?
There will be some amount of walking within the areas that we visit but the longer distances between places in the city would be by the tour van. During summer it does get hot, so keep that in mind while you are choosing your date.
What is included in the ticket price that I am paying?
A simple and tasty brunch at "Ranganatha Veg” (a restaurant on Mysore Road), travel during the tour in an airconditioned van, drinking water, refreshments, your very own “i-Track”, stationary, and all associated costs of the tour. Your ticket cost includes service tax.
What is this i-Track?
A surprise!
What is the medium of communication?
All tours are done in English. However Tamil, Hindi and Kannada will also be used in the course of the tour and will be translated to English for those who don’t understand.
What is the protocol during this tour?
You will be meeting many small-scale entrepreneurs, waste dealers, sorters, and recyclers. Some of them will be introduced to you by us, others you will strike up conversations with. You might feel that at some point of your interaction you want to leave them with a token of appreciation. Please do this carefully, otherwise, you will have a trail of people wanting the same from you by the time you reach the end of that particular stretch. Daily Dump pays the people we introduce you to anyway. We would definitely like and encourage interactions with the people we meet on the tour however Daily Dump reserves the right to intervene / curtail any discussion we feel may have repercussions not obvious to the participant.
Do I need a reservation to take a tour?
Yes – reservation is required for this tour. And it's quite simple.
1. Look at our website for the next upcoming tour date.
2. Just email us at [email protected] (with TRASH TRAIL as the subject line) to confirm
your attendance and the number of people you are making a booking for.
3. You will have to reserve 3 days in advance at least.
4. Charges are the same for adults and children. Infants are not allowed on this tour.
How do I pay?
That’s easy. Pay by wire transfer at the time of confirming your registration. Account details are available on the website. Do write to us if you have a problem making a payment this way. You will get a ticket and a receipt for the same when you arrive at the tour.
Can I get a refund or reschedule my tour?
Sorry but tickets for this tour are non-refundable and we can’t allow rescheduling. We hope you understand that this is a specialised tour and we cannot afford to have this refunded and rescheduled. We are also a small project and the kind of attention we give to this project involves a lot of resources. Hence we cannot bear the costs of people dropping out. If for unforeseen circumstances we have to reschedule, then we will refund the tickets for that tour.
Is the tour suitable for children and senior citizens too?
Well, the way we see it anyone who is really interested in learning and understanding is welcome. Having said that, senior citizens who are interested and able to stand the heat, smells and walk around for a whole day are welcome.
For children, we don’t mind them coming along but they would probably enjoy and learn more at the special tour for children that we will be organising. Also, since we will be walking within the busy market area, the tour may not be appropriate for all children. You know your child best, and if you think he or she would appreciate our tour, please bring him or her along. If you do bring children, we would insist you bring only those above 12 years.
Will you customise a tour for my college group or office or group of friends?
Sure, we certainly can. The premise and the objective of the tour would remain the same. Customised tours need to have 10 participants. Rates for customised tours are different from the regular tour. Eco-clubs can also choose a package which includes a discussion and some exposure on ecology and best practices.
Is there anything else I need to know?
Most of the places do not fall into the category of “non-toxic”. The air is polluted, but so is the city air. There are fumes in the recycling areas and the landfill site areas. In case you are very allergic, then you might do a re-think.
A Daily Dump – Compost at Home initiative www.dailydump.org / [email protected] / +91 9916426661