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Ankita Chordia, Nanostuffs Technologies, on building nMentor and scrapesafe

Wednesday June 15, 2011 , 5 min Read

Ankita, please tell us what Nanostuffs Technologies is all about.

It’s basically a very young company founded by two young entrepreneurs and driven by youthful beliefs. Nanostuffs believe that it’s not about clicks, it’s all about touch now, so our forte lies in Mobile Apps Development. Additionally, we are devoted to cloud and want to change ways companies can make finest use of cloud services based on Salesforce CRM, Amazon Web Services and Google App Engine.

How is Nanostuffs Technologies different from other app development firms?

As it’s managed by two young entrepreneurs, we have utmost zeal and enthusiasm with profound knowledge of technologies to develop something which everybody can imagine but we can make it a reality.

What are you flagship products?

Our flagship products are Loan Comparison Mobile Application, nMentor (.NET Code analysis tool) and ScrapeSafe Consultancy (an amendment to your site which will not allow spiders/crawlers/scrapers to steal your data)

How did the idea for Nanostuffs Technologies came about?

We started working as freelancers since our college, started gaining knowledge in all kind of technologies and with diligent efforts we both got ranked in top 100 programmers just in 2-3 years amongst millions of programmers working as freelancers. Then finally we moved from programmer to managerial level and started employing people to work for us.

How did you zero in on the name ‘Nanostuffs’?

Since these days technologies size is diminishing, things have started becoming nano from micro, and we had a passion of creating stuffs based on all kind of nano technologies . That was the basic idea behind “Nanostuffs” name.

Tell us about your background.

We two are the founders of Nanostuffs. Nishant was in MIT, Pune; I was in COEP, Pune. Since our 2nd year engineering we started working on freelancing projects to earn our living. Nishant worked in Infosys for one and half year and I worked for Oracle for a year. Then finally in Oct 2010, we decided to choose the road less travelled and left our companies to pursue our ambitions.

Tell us about the tie-ups that you have.

We have a tie-up with a company named nSphere for different kinds of work.

Where do you see mobile apps, cloud computing and Nanostuffs Technologies five years from now?

As mentioned before people will not like to click but want everything to happen just on a flick of touch. We would love to be at a position where all kind of daily work starting from going to gym, news feeds, managing meetings/goals till the bed time stories for kids, serials for housewives and eventually everything should all be possible using Nanostuffs apps.

What is Nanostuffs Technologies’ revenue model? Have you been funded

Nanostuffs is self funded, it’s just hard work and determination we invested in able to reach this stage. Our revenue models is basically based on annuity (recurring) model where we charge our customers monthly or on a fixed milestone based fee for various kinds of services we provide.

What are the challenges that you faced while developing your product? How did you  overcome those challenges?

nMentor is a tool .NET programmers can use not to find compiler errors but to find ways to improve your code from performance, security, convention and other aspects. The most difficult challenge while creating rules for code analysis was to study the impact of each kind of logic on the processor and storage level and decide which is a better way, not just on assumptions but based on proved facts. We would have studied thousands of lines of code and each and every code blocks supported by .NET from the Assembly level point of view.

While developing scrapesafe , we always wanted it to be a one line code, which user can just add to their site and work same as Google analytics. But we were not sure, we have so many algorithms to stop scraping how can we put it just in one line code. We worked hard for months to get to know the solution for the same.

How big is the team behind Nanostuffs Technologies? Give us some info on team composition. Number of people, their backgrounds. Are you looking at hiring?

2 directors and 10 employees. All employees are Graduates, some are fresher’s and some are experienced, so we have a completely balanced team. Yes, we are currently looking for experienced developers.

Let us know about your expansion plans.

This financial year we have achieved 200% growth in our revenues and our target for next year is 350%. We are planning to have our own office with space for 40-50 employees. We are targeting markets which aren’t into mobile apps yet and also looking for some tie-ups. We are planning for aggressive marketing of nMentor to make it reach the desk of as many programmers as possible. We are also planning to market scrapesafe to reach millions of information based websites to prevent them from scraping.

Anything stats that you want to share with us.

- More than 400 clients that includes individuals and companies.

- We got an excellent response from all over US, UK, Australia for our different services including mobile applications. We have an average of 9.86/10 for all the services we have provided till now.

- We are currently ranked amongst top 100 programmers on one of the freelancing website.

Do check out for more details!