Bored in Class? Try New Ways to Learn Online.
Tuesday June 26, 2012 , 3 min Read
College life and attending classes don't usually go hand in hand. But in this age of the internet, if education is brought to one via devices and in a cool way, one can attend classes even while perched on a bean bag. There are a multitude of channels opening up which provide you content which you'd like to read and imbibe from. These are some of the sites which make education so much more accessible and useful. Here's our list of must follow educational resource websites:Khan Academy – Khan Academy provides over 3200 micro lectures using video tutorials via YouTube on various topics including mathematics, physics, chemistry, astronomy, healthcare, finance, economics and many more. Khan academy is funded by Bill and Melinda gates foundation and also by Google’s 10100 Project which will help them create more courses and translate them into many worldwide languages. You can check out their lessons here.
Open CourseWare – Open CourseWare was started by the University of Tübingen as a movement but it gained momentum only with MIT Open CourseWare. MIT Open CourseWare contains 2100 courses on various subjects including Architecture, Engineering, Healthcare, Management, Science and Humanities. To check out courses from other universities you can head to Open Courseware Consortium which has courses from top universities like Harvard University, Yale University, and Stanford University etc.
Academic Earth – Academic Earth is founded by Richard Ludlow, Chris Bruner and Liam Pisano. It is an online repository of video lectures from multiple universities including University of Michigan, Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Stanford, and Yale. The advantage it provides is that instead of visiting individual website of a university you can visit Academic Earth for collection of courses from all these universities. They have courses in subjects Astronomy, International Relations, philosophy and religious studies apart from the technical courses.
Udacity – Udacity is a website with a difference which concentrates on relating education to real world. They have eleven courses currently which include building a search engine, programming a robotic car, and many more. Udacity focuses on the concept of learning by doing, at the end of each unit there are homework and assignments to be done. Programming assignments are graded by automated grading programs on the Udacity servers. Click here to visit their website.
Coursera – coursera is also a venture funded company from Stanford University. It has partnerships with universities including Stanford University; the University of Michigan; Princeton; and Pennsylvania. It contains video lectures and assignments. Subjective assignments are reviewed by a peer to peer review system. You can check out coursera here.
There are many more websites offering free online courses from around the world. If you know of some websites please share them with us in the comments.