Hackathons Ahoy! [FaceCode and a Woman-Only HackDay]
'DevelopHer' Hackday By LinkedIn and SlideShare
A woman-only hackday is being organised to encourage women to participate in engineering, hackdays and technology. DevelopHer is being organised by LinkedIn at its Mountain View office. DevelopHer Delhi is a parallel event being organised by SlideShare (which is a part of LinkedIn now) at their New Delhi office.
DevelopHer Hackday is being held at SlideShare's New Delhi office from 10 AM Saturday, June 30th through 10 AM Sunday, July 1st.
More details here.
KRDS FaceCode
The contest begins on Saturday, July 7th and ends on Sunday, July 8th. FaceCode is open to all enthusiasts - freshers as well as working professionals - who can participate online or from KRDS’ offices in Chennai, Bengaluru and Delhi. More details here.