Introducing social help network ‘Does Anyone’- Google that goes through people
“Does anyone know where I can find that perfect burger?” asked Marshall to his friends in the popular TV soap, ‘How I met your mother’ but unfortunately he couldn’t get the answer. Had he been asking it online, he might just have. Does Anyone is a social help network that allows you to find the answers to such questions from friends. “It’s a platform where people share their needs so that friends from social networks and people in their neighbourhood help out by sharing information, contacts or suggestions,” says co-founder Kranthi Kiran Pulluru.
DoesAnyone is a social help network which can be thought of as a ‘google that goes through people’. “To add to the joy of helping others, we have introduced a concept of ThankBank, where a ‘thank you’ is the currency. Our social analytics engine identifies the right people to connect with based on your need. You can use DoesAnyone for anything you need,” informs Kranthi. You might be looking for an iOS developer or a dry cleaner, there are people in your network and neighbourhood who can help and Does Anyone tries to connect you to them.
A startupper at heart, Kranthi is a 2004 IIT Kharagpur passout who has been associated with two other startups previously. Along with Gourav, the tech head and Jayari, the creative one, Does Anyone team has a diverse core team.
Once you’ve logged onto DoesAnyone, you can ask a question just like you update your status. A live stream will feed you everything that people are looking for or are willing to help you with.
Revenue Model
There are multiple ways through which revenues can be generated. “The social analytics engine we are building can be used by businesses to serve their customers effectively. There are many online service providers like jobs and eCommerce that would benefit from providing personalized recommendations to their customers. We will be releasing APIs which can be easily integrated into these products. Currently we are working with friends2support to enable people to find matching blood donors among their friends of friends on social networks,” informs Kranthi.
The social analytics they’ve developed has amazed a few with what it can do and is a potent weapon in the Does Anyone arsenal (example). Often pitching themselves as the ‘Quora for your everyday needs,’ the larger vision is “To be a company that touches lives of everyone in the world in a positive way. A company that is built to last and not just built for an exit,” says Kranthi.
Does Anyone is on the lookout for some angel investment to scale up their business and marketing. Try them out here.