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[YSTV] Sandeep Amar, VP, One97, Shares His Secret Ingredient for App Discovery and More

[YSTV] Sandeep Amar, VP, One97, Shares His Secret Ingredient for App Discovery and More

Monday December 03, 2012 , 1 min Read

Sandeep Amar oversees the mobile apps division at One97. Coming for a media and marketing background, Sandeep brings the much needed business approach to app development. One of the panelists at the MobiSparks panel discussion, Sandeep stressed on innovation and capitalizing on users desires. Here's Sandeep with a gist of his take on the Panel discussion's topic -

Prior to working with One97, Sandeep worked with Times and managed the marketing of the widely popular Times of India app. From this experience, he shared this with entrepreneurs - "Discovery has always been a problem. In a recent report i read somewhere, stated that 60% of app developers don't make any money. So keeping this in mind, we concentrated solely on building a large initial. We didn't allow ad networks on the app for more than a year and once it gained popularity, the price to advertise on it also increased. This is the ecosystem that we created."

His advice to mobile app entrepreneurs - Solve local problems and look at local needs.

Stay tuned for more YSTV video snippets from the forerunners for the mobile ecosystem