Online jewelry startup raises an INR 2.5 Crores follow up round, a one-stop shop for designer jewellery and accessories, has raised Rs. 2.5 crores from Pune-based Snow Leopard Technology Ventures. Late last year, successfully commenced operations in Bangalore with a first round of funding from another seed investor. With this round of funding, plans to expand its operations beyond Bangalore and start another facility closer to its supplier base.
Two ex-Amazonians Vishwas Shringi and Raj Uparkar founded in 2012. offers a variety of jewellery, including gold-plated metal or pure sterling silver set with gemstones and diamonds. Likes of Caratlane, Jewelskart and Bluestone are also present in the space. Voylla has relied on customer service, quick delivery and interesting offers to grab a marketshare. Vishwas Shringi, Founder & CEO, said the capital raised will largely be deployed for operations expansion and marketing spend to enhance their ability to service jewelry customers around the world.
Investing in Voylla, Snow Leopard Technology Ventures is a venture fund focused on being the partner to exceptional management teams. Snow Leopard provides early stage capital to build market leading internet and technology companies in India and found synergies with Voylla.
Website: Voylla