How to Use Twitter to Its Full Potential
Twitter is one of the best ways to get the message out about your business, events, and products. Used effectively, Twitter can easily out-perform other social networking sites. Here are some tips to help you get started using the Twitter platform to its full potential.
Learn Available Features and Settings
The Twitter platform may seem simple, but there are many features and functions you may be missing out on if you don't know where to look. Explore the main areas of the Twitter platform including the profile page, the home page, the Connect area, and the Discover area.
There is a lot going on behind the Twitter platform as well. Twitter's main settings area include options for controlling location, mobile, and integration. You can customize your Twitter header and integrate Twitter widgets from settings, too.
Make a Good First Impression
I can't tell you how many new Twitter followers I have ignored because they haven't even bothered to upload a profile image. That may seem a bit harsh; but let's face it, first impressions matter – even in cyberspace.
While your avatar is the first impression you will make on potential followers, your header image is the second. I try to pop open the profile window of most of my new followers, and a nice header image tells me that professionalism and thoroughness are important to them – that they may be good to have in my circles.
Get to Know the Tweet
You would be surprised how much there is going on in the 140 characters that make up an individual Twitter update or “tweet.” The different elements that make up a tweet such as hashtags, short URLs, abbreviations, and mentions can help get your tweet extra exposure and save precious space.
Chances are, you are not even aware of the different ways you can view and share your own and other's tweets and other's tweets from within your timeline after they are published. Clicking on “expand” under any published tweet reveals a host of other options.
Leverage Twitter Features
Ever wonder how Twitter power-users keep up with the thousands of tweeps they are following? Chances are, they are not. It is more likely they are using Twitter Lists to organize their most important connections so they can stay current without getting overwhelmed.
Twitter lists are a great way to organize; but they can also be leveraged to gain exposure for your Twitter account.
Other Twitter elements like hashtags, mentions, replies, retweeting, and favoriting can also be used strategically. And research reveals that tweets with embedded links, photos, or videos get more engagement than those without.
Twitter Tips for Tweets
#Twitter Tip: Tweets with embedded links, photos, or video get more #TwitterEngagement.
#Twitter Tip: Add Twitter influencers to #TwitterLists to gain exposure for your account.
#Twitter Tip: Using hashtags can improve Twitter engagement, but don't use more than two #hashtags.
#Twitter Tip: Click the #expand link under any tweet to see additional options.
#Twitter Tip: Did you know you can email a #TwitterUpdate? Click on more once you expand a tweet.
#Twitter Tip: Create a professional #TwitterHeader image to make a good impression.
#Twitter Tip: Use Twitter Lists to organize your #TwitterFollowers.
#Twitter Tip: #TwitterWidgets can add interactivity to your Website or blog.
#Twitter Tip: Did you know you can embed a #TwitterUpdate? Click on more once you expand a tweet.
#Twitter Tip: Click on “expand” under any published #tweet to reveals more options!
About the Author:
Deltina Hay has authored three books on Social Media, the Mobile Web, and Search Optimization. She is also a publisher, developer, and business owner. She currently has an online course on Twitter Marketing listed on