[YS Lounge] Political Economics Explained – the TechSparks way!
Communism: You have 2 tickets for TechSparks and 50 people who want to attend. You tear them into 50 pieces and distribute one piece to each person. Nobody gets to attend.
Capitalism: You get 2 complimentary tickets for TechSparks. You start your own early bird offer and sell them to someone (ok, now don’t get ideas. Tickets are not transferable!)
Middleman-ism: You buy 2 tickets for TechSparks using the team discount. Then you sell them individually slightly lower than the price of a regular individual ticket (we really mean it – do not get ideas. Tickets are not transferable!)
Opportunism: You want to buy a ticket for TechSparks. You find another person and buy 2 tickets using the team discount (this, you could try!)
Feudalism: You tell 2 aspiring entrepreneurs that you will introduce and connect them to who's who at TechSparks and ask them to buy your ticket and push your car all the way to the venue on the 5th
Bureaucracy: You have 2 tickets for TechSparks. You put them in a file and forget all about them
Activism: You have 2 tickets for TechSparks. You start protesting because you want everyone else also to have tickets. You get so carried away with your protest that you end up missing the event
And finally…
Entrepreneurship: You hear about the early bird discount on TechSparks tickets and don’t waste a minute in buying yours. Because you’re smart, you know when something has value and you don’t ever want to miss a great opportunity (so what are you waiting for? Click here to buy your ticket!)