What startups are up to this April Fool's day
We live in a country which is full of problems. Sensing the same a few entrepreneurs have taken the challenges (health issues, road safety, hygiene etc) in their own hands and have developed exceptional products that can help the society at large.
The only issue is that government is not giving a clearance to such products. We’ve listed a few of them and we urge you to decide and take actions, so that our community can benefit at large.
Poop In Peace
We don’t have enough toilets in this country and the poor walls know ‘our’ truth. But an app that was aiming at providing access to the nearest toilets have been rejected by the Dept of Health and Family Welfare. What do you think about such steps?

The Mosquito Buzz
Summer and mosquitos are a match made in heaven and there are numerous cases of Malaria and other such associated illnesses.
Freecharge has jumped on this idea to create an exceptional product that chases away mosquitos and in turn the company is ready to offer Freecharge credits to its users. But this service is soon to be banned. Don’t believe me? Watch the video for yourself
If you are still in doubt, here’s a quick link to their offers page
Fly High
Our streets are buzzing with traffic. Ask any daily commuter and they will tell you the agony. But what if you could fly and that too at an auto rickshaw rate? The government has put a stay on this service, but your votes can make it a reality. Watch this video for more details
Drive It Like A Millionaire
Who wouldn’t want to drive a Lamborghini even if it is for a day. Since the government had earlier put a stay on Uber, and the company was booking heavy losses, the kurta-clad peeps have given them a special permission for just today.

If you reside in Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Kolkata, Chandigarh or Jaipur you should not miss this opportunity.
More details here > http://blog.uber.com/supercarsIND
An App Just That’s Right For Our Generation
An app to marry, an app to date...but what if we need an app to just hook up? I mean isn’t it only fair to our generation. Thankfully somebody took notice and have created an app….aptly called Hookup!
Here’s the complete guide to the app, but if you are in a hurry, you can use this quick link.
I’m sure by now you’ve got a drift of what we aim at, right?
Entrepreneurs are a different breed, they are smart, sharp and suave, all at the same time. But they have something that really stand out...and that’s their funny bone! So when it came to the most funny day of the year, they all donned the hat of a prankster!
I watched the ongoings on the internet and the above mentioned list made me laugh a bit more than others. Did you discover a funny gem today? Do share it with us!
P.S- All the blame-game on the government is done in good humour! All I can say is - Stay Hungry Stay Foolish