5 Bhopal startups you should know about
Contrary to popular perception, the startup party is not restricted to the metros, with even smaller cities coming up with power-packed ideas, trying to make their presence felt.

Fighting for that share are the cities of Madhya Pradesh, which house more than 500 startups. Overall, the majority of those startups is concentrated in Indore and Bhopal.
It’s often said that almost every national-level aggregator will have to compete with local equivalents in Madhya Pradesh.
From traditional businesses to now a vibrant ecosystem of technology, here are five upcoming startups from Bhopal that are putting the city on the map:
Easy Retail For You ( ER4U)
Founder(s): Abhinav Saxena and Sohil Bansal
Founded: June 2015
Enabling retailers to manage store sales, ER4U helps retailers maximise their sales (by managing inventory, purchase, sales, HRM, CRM, accounts), centralise their inventory, and make the same available to all store chains and e-commerce channels.
The firm claimed to have revenues of Rs 9 lakh with clients processing more than Rs 10 crore worth of transactions within a few months of starting up, and had reached 50 clients as of last month.

Founder(s): Nemesh Singh
Founded: May 2006
An online web-based scheduling software, Appointy helps businesses accept appointments online. Streamlining the process, this system helps improves staff productivity and in promoting or marketing services.
IT Fusion
Founder(s): Deepak Motwani
Founded: 2011
Being in the services market, IT Fusion offers search engine pptimisation (SEO), social media optimisation (SMO), web design, web development, software development, e-commerce solutions, and internet marketing.
Founder(s): Anurag Agasti and Kavindra Raghuwanshi
Founded: 2013
TheKabadiwala.com is an online portal that helps people book a slot and get their waste collected while getting paid for it. Working with other vendors, it also helps the collected waste to be recycled and refurbished for further re-usage.
Gypsy Shack
Founder(s): Jagpreet Pabla and Chaitali Bhatia
A unique travel startup, Gypsy Shack has added 90 tour operators that came with personal recommendations from seasoned travellers. Defined as a unique travel concept consisting of 3 Es — Exploration, Engagement, and Evolution, it partners with operators who are passionate about offering out-of the-box experiences.

Just in August, the Madhya Pradesh government was drawing up the policy guidelines for the startup sector in the state. Further, it was also reported that the state cabinet had approved setting up a Rs 100-crore fund for the sector.
With even the state rising to the call of upcoming startups, it would be interesting to see the other marvels coming out of this ecosystem.