7 smart hacks for creative advertising
In the broadest sense, advertising is nothing but placing your companyunder the spotlight. It is a way of letting your customers know that you exist. Contrary to what many believe, good advertising is not about convincing your customers to use your product or service the minute they see the advertisement. It is about getting noticed, about creating that first good impression. People will, however, notice onlythe things that are different. It is a tiny window of opportunity, but when used smartlyit imprints your brand permanently into the minds of your customers. Here are seven ways you can do this:

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Use the radio
Instead of sponsoring a radio station to play your advertisement, use that platform to directly interact with your customers. Request the station to cover your story because stories resonate better with people. You have a better chance of creating a good impression with clear communication. Moreover, making yourself approachable will make your service that much more approachable.
Organise workshops
Conducting workshops and giving free lessons are a great way to build a community around your company. You’ll be filling two needs with one deed – creating a platform to promote your companyandgenerating spontaneous customer feedback. If you’re connecting with your customers remotely, create instructional videos for the same purpose.You will also be giving them a glimpse of your expertise, and it goes without saying that experts always impress.
Get personal
Hand-made or written responses, a word of thanks, or simply an unexpected goodie to surprise a new customer will make your service more amicable than your competitor’s. Advertising works not only to generate new customers but also to retain the ones you’ve just gained. New customers need to be continually impressed as well because customer relation at that stage is the most fragile. The word that spreads about your companyis a powerful form of advertisement that normally goesunutilised.
Get witty
Wit is a free resource, so use it well. You may find the most creative platforms to advertise your product, but if you want to increase your chances of being heard get your customers sniggering. Witty descriptionscreate both good and long-lasting impressions.It is a natural human response to make comparisons.So if you can get your customers to say “That was a funny advertisement!”,you will be remembered better than your competitors.
Surprise them
Although flash mobs are slowly moving into the dusty vaults of the tried and tested, they never fail to surprise. It is your opportunity to create a live advertisement. You can decide the nature of your flash mob depending on your resources. A group of people enacting a scene, a mime performance or a ‘flash video clip’ to attract curious onlookersare different ways in which you can utilise the element of surprise.
Use puzzles
Sometimes,it’s necessary to give words a break and use other ways of getting a message across.Use symbols or everyday objects corresponding to the words you replace, creating a mini puzzle.Visuals always attract more attention and will engage your viewers. When you get someone to stop and solve your advertisement, you have ensured the retention of your brand in their mind. It’s important to remember that the aim here isnot to display your smartness but to get people to stop and look.
Go completely visual
Use art to advertise your product.Art resonates better with the masses than words alone and creates a stronger impact. One needs to be careful, however, because if it is not visually appealing or socially relevant, the message can get easily lost. You could also use comic strips to advertiseif art is really not your forte or relevant for your business.You could get more creative and photoshop your brand into unexpected photographs and images that’ll get people to stop, look and be impressed.
Make your advertisements relevant
When advertisements are socially and culturally relevant, people tend to relate better with them.Selectevents, social norms, cultural history and geographic information to fuel your message. While you’re at it, it would also be wise to be sensitive about social issues that could hurt sentiments.
When you know your target audience and the range of your own product, there are no limits to good advertising. All you need to do is dissolve the limits of your creativity.