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4 things to expect on your first day at a startup

4 things to expect on your first day at a startup

Friday November 04, 2016 , 3 min Read

Whether you are a college fresher or a former corporate employee, treading the mystical waters of the startup world can be a shock. Everyone knows the startup culture is multidimensional, unconventional and pluralistic, but seldom do peope know what’s going to hit them on the first day of the job.

For most people, working at a startup sounds cool, what with the fancy décor and young people having fun while working. But there is a lot more to it than meets the eye! Here are the four things you can expect on your first day at a startup.


Image : Shutterstock


Sure, startups offer a fair share of flexibility with how work gets done within the four walls of the office and outside. In fact, people aspiring to learn something new and be independent are the ones who get on board with the idea of working with a startup. But it’s not all fun because you need to be willing to be flexible with the amount of work. Be prepared to forget the job title and description you were hired with because at a startup, you will be required to do a little bit of everything, and the first few hours of the first day will pretty much tell you the same. Being open-minded is the only way you can thrive and create good first impressions.


You cannot be flexible without having a little independence. A person switching over from a corporate job to a startup can find this slightly intimidating. Right from the first day, nothing will come to you on a silver platter. Forget those times when you were subjected to incessant micromanagement by your seniors. At a startup, you are on your own. While it’s a great feeling to not have anyone boss around, it also means that you have to set your own workflow and put it in motion. Additionally, you will be responsible for your own development and accountable for your own doom.

An onslaught of work

On your first day, you might expect to have fun socialising with your new colleagues, getting updated with the work. If you expect to spend half the day relaxing and enjoying yourself, you might very wrong. Do not be taken aback if you are asked to “start work right away,” skipping the socialising. At startups, everyone is relatively new and still learning, so as mentioned earlier, you may or may not have a supervisor to guide you. You might even be the first person hired in your department, so you start all alone. In any case, expect the unexpected!

A difference in work culture

A startup and an average corporate essentially have the same motive: making money. The difference lies in the fact that startups have to work harder to make a name for themselves, hence the difference in work culture. Sure, you get to wear casuals to work or even have a “bring your pet to work day”, but appearances can be deceiving.

However, don’t let this intimidate you because no matter what, startups are a fun experience; bitter for some and sweet for most others!