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Here’s why hiring managers should use psychometric assessments

Here’s why hiring managers should use psychometric assessments

Friday April 07, 2017 , 3 min Read

Only the hiring panel will be able to tell you how terrifying it is to choose the right candidate from a sea of potential applicants. One wrong hire can not only tarnish the recruiter’s reputation, but it can also lead to a host of different problems like loss of productivity, reduced efficiency, lower morale, increased absenteeism, and the cost of re-hiring and training new personnel. This is why companies are now relying on psychometric assessments to choose the right candidates. For the uninitiated, psychometric assessments are tests developed to help employees reveal their talents, personality, and attributes to potential employers. Here are a few reasons why companies should rely on psychometric tests while hiring.

Image : shutterstock

Image : shutterstock

Testing is better than simply relying on gut feeling

Replacing bad hires is a cost every business should strive to cut down on. Human instinct is hardly any better than rolling the dice. While managers bear the brunt of firing a bad employee and re-hiring in their place, companies bear the cost of managers making poor recruitment decisions. Research indicates that replacing a skilled position can cost up to 150 percent of an employee's salary in lost productivity. Psychometric tests give a spin of objectivity and standardisation to the traditional art of hiring to help get rid of the unconscious bias that creeps into many selection decisions. It is also a welcome break from conventional selection methods like resume screening and unstructured interviews.

Recruiters don't need a psych degree to conduct a psychometric assessment

There was a time when psychologists were needed to interpret esoteric psychometric test results, but that time is now a thing of the past. Psychometric test providers are gradually embracing a 'design first, data second' principle. Data rich, beautifully designed, and easy to read reports can be immediately accessed online after the test has been conducted. The test contains simplified real word language and graphics to indicate to the hiring manager the strengths and weaknesses of a potential candidate. Psychometric assessments are hassle-free and the need of the hour for managers who want to decrease the probability of hiring a wrong candidate.

Psychometric assessments can give out a positive company image

The adoption of objective and standardised selection processes can create an impactful first impression of a company's brand in the minds of potential hires. Candidates are drawn to modern recruitment and selection processes and they often cite the impartial approach to assessing their capability as a key reason behind their satisfaction with the hiring process. This is especially true for applicants from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds as psychometric assessment provides a level-playing field where every candidate's merit is judged equally. Using an unbiased hiring system can exponentially increase the number of candidates who want to work for your organisation.

Psychometric assessment is the perfect example of modern-day recruitment done right. Companies that wish to attract the best talent should seriously consider using this test over subjective selection methods.