Five ways to ward off stress and keep your sleep intact
There's nothing worse than coming home tired from a long day at work and then tossing and turning in bed due to lack of sleep. When you bring work stress home, you will sooner or later suffer from pangs of insomnia. Try these easy to follow remedies that are an upgrade from counting sheep.

Make a list of your worries during the day
Take out a few minutes out from your schedule to list issues that you need to deal with. Note all passing thoughts which you feel are deterrents to a goodnight's sleep. This usually keeps your mind clear and those same issues won't crop up in your head at night which will help you relax better.
Strict no to mobile devices in bed
Avoid all sorts of mobile device screens immediately before bed-time, so spare your laptop and phones the comfort of your bed. If your phone also functions as an alarm clock, then try to keep it out of your hand's reach. Refrain from reading or doing any paperwork in bed as well. These activities stimulate your mind instead of relaxing you and make sleep a stranger to you.
Create a sleep-friendly environment
An optimal environment to sleep will push you off to slumber even before your sheep reach the 10 count. Ensure your room isn't too warm or too cold and keep your room dark or dimly lit so that excess light doesn't keep you up at night. If you live in a noisy neighborhood, invest in sound-proof windows so you can shut out all the noise at night.
Distract your brain with this mental trick
The idea is to lull your mind into a dazed state by playing a simple word game. Pick a random word and focus on the first letter of the word. Let your mind come up with a list of words that start with the same letter. When you run out of ideas, simply pick a different word. Doing this will put you to sleep faster than you think.
Be wary of your food/drink habits before bed-time
Caffeine will inevitably keep you up and therefore avoid coffee a few hours before bed-time. Remember, chocolate and tea contain caffeine too so don't consume these items in excess before bed. Alcohol might help you sleep faster, but it is known to boost anxiety so don't make alcohol consumption a daily habit.
Make sleep a priority in your life and do everything you can to get a peaceful eight-hour sleep.