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This couple requested books as wedding gift to set up a library for the needy

This couple requested books as wedding gift to set up a library for the needy

Wednesday June 27, 2018 , 2 min Read

Weddings are a grand affair in India, but not every wedding leaves behind a legacy like Amar and Rani Kalamkar's. The Maharashtrian couple has requested all their guests to bring gifts only in the form of books. With these gifts, they intend to build a library for the underprivileged children.

Source: News 18

The couple, who always believed in the power of books, has always been interested in social good. Amar works with an NGO called Yuva Chetna, and has been a social worker for the past 15 years. He always dreamt of helping the students who wish to take up competitive exams, and somehow don't have the means to it.

Amar's wife Rani, a professor of Economics at a university in Pune, voted for the idea, and thus contributing to a noble cause. In an interview with News 18, she said,

A lot of people in rural Maharashtra neither have the means to afford the books, nor the resources to locate them otherwise. Competitive exams are hard, but finding the right books for these exams is even harder.

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The couple put across the idea in their wedding invitation, which was a WhatsApp message, says Indiatimes. Their invite was circulated wide, and the wedding saw people thronging in to support the cause so much, that even strangers stopped by.

Source: Kenfolios

The couple has collected nearly 3,000 books, and intend to set up a library in Ahmednagar in Maharashtra, says Kenfolios. Amar is associated with the Art of Living, and his wedding saw Sri Sri Ravishankar guruji gracing and blessing the newly weds.

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