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Be a co-founder of social change with ACT

ACT Summit 2021 will bring together founders, VCs and leaders from India’s startup ecosystem to share insights and ideas about how we can tackle societal challenges across environment, education, health and women’s participation in the workplace the startup way. Join us at the summit on 4th March

Be a co-founder of social change with ACT

Wednesday February 24, 2021 , 2 min Read

“Last Saturday of March 2020, a flurry of emails were going around all our mailboxes saying - ‘Hey let’s catch up and see as a group and a community what we can do to better prepare for this pandemic.” ~ Mohit Bhatnagar, Sequoia Capital India

“Everybody came together on this. The highlight was the moment when the industry came together.” Shekhar Kirani, Accel

ACT, that started with some messages between founders and VCs one weekend, and led to a INR 100 crore grant to combat COVID-19, has now evolved into a collaborative entrepreneurial movement that is looking to tackle some of the harder problems India is facing across Healthcare, Education, Environment, and Women in the Workplace.

Last year, ACT worked closely with the government and 100+ volunteers to deploy healthcare solutions that were scalable, capital-efficient, and timely. While India continues to fight the pandemic, ACT aims to bring some of this power of innovative thinking and collaborative action to challenges beyond COVID-19.

To know more about this movement, join us at the ACT Summit which will bring together India’s leading startup founders, venture capitalists, and changemakers to talk about how we can leverage India’s inventive startup assets and ideas to enable social change at scale.

The Summit is supported by ecosystem partner, Startup India and others including C-CAMP, KPMG, NASSCOM, Invest India and YourStory Media.

What’s in store for you?

The virtual summit will see Abhiraj Singh Bhal (Urban Company), Girish Mathrubootham (Freshworks), Meena Ganesh (Portea), Mohit Bhatnagar (Sequoia India), Mukesh Bansal (, Nithin Kamath (Zerodha), Sandeep Singhal (Nexus Venture Partners) and Shekhar Kirani (Accel) and several others from the startup industry share insights and learnings from the year that was - as well as ACT’s goals for 2021 across the four sectors.

If you are an entrepreneur or a person with an idea; a tech startup or a social change activist, or a passionate individual who wants to create impact at scale, then we believe you have something to give.

Join the flow. Get involved. Become a co-founder of social change 4th March, 5 PM (IST) onwards. Register here.
