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Boon or bane: Is hybrid work model a sustainable option amidst the pandemic

The hybrid models have bestowed the employees with the flexibility to work when they feel the most productive and where they want to work.

Boon or bane: Is hybrid work model a sustainable option amidst the pandemic

Friday June 25, 2021 , 4 min Read

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced us to a marvellous concept of how remote working is very much feasible. Now, we are all very keen on exploring what other exciting options can be availed in the working world, of course, without hampering our productivity.

The companies — be it big gigs, small businesses, or working individuals — have shifted to remote working only for the near foreseeable future. The trend-shift has made them put their heads together to conceptualise a better working model for their employees. Enter hybrid work models, and work has not been the same since then.

When we speak of hybrid work models, it is empirical that some employees will be working from home or nearby locations, while others will be working from the main office. This is due to the nature of the work performed and the responsibilities pyramid. 

Why the hybrid model uproar?

What is it that hybrid models are offering but were rare earlier?

The hybrid models have bestowed the employees with the flexibility to work when they feel the most productive and where they want to work. Additionally, these flexible work arrangements are catering to bridging the gap between personal and professional lives, helping the employees maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Employers are developing a path forward to creating policies and reinventing workforce strategies. In fact, a myriad of employees is hoping for the flexible working options they had in the last year.

The hybrid work model has hit the ground running and is here to stay. However, they are not one-size-fits-all but need to mirror the organisations’ needs. Emphasising its nature, it is safe to say that it has become a specialised approach, especially curated to meet the needs of organisations and individuals. 

Supporting flexible work

There are a couple of questions that organisations need to find solutions to before they jump into this flexible working world.

Is it technologically viable for the organisation? Is the organisation keeping its culture intact with the hybrid work model? Will the managerial abilities remain the same in a different work environment? 

It is essential to analyse and provide virtual reality solutions to their employees. The employees are humans after all, and sometimes miss the human connection and bond they develop over coffee and sharing daily peals of laughter in physical locations. The organisation must ensure they are not missing out on their culture while providing employees with this enormous flexibility. 

One must invest in technologies to grant its employees the flexibility they demand. Proper and effective communication tools are a must.

It is not necessary to spend every time something new comes up. Leveraging the resources you have, can also do the trick. The digital transformation is at the heart of the hybrid work model. 


From an organisation’s view, it is a win-win situation. They can cut down the costs easily with only fewer employees working on-site. There is an increased productivity level in the organisation with a happy workforce, directly boosting the business growth and scaling it further.

It is writ large that without a great employee experience, a business will begin losing its talent and fail to attract new talent. Talking in terms of the retention of employees, well it is obvious now. The organisations have better chances at recruitment and work with individuals across various geographies without any major hassles.

Likewise, the employees stand at the gaining side as well. With flexible working hours and reasonable autonomy with the work, they can flourish as individuals and learn beyond. 

Now that it is undeniable that hybrid work models put you at a glaring competitive advantage, it will be a common way of working soon, and likely a sustainable one, too. 

Hybrid models, if implemented excellently, are the ultimate working models we all have been craving for so long. The pandemic fast-paced an exceptional opportunity for us. The focus has shifted to improving working conditions, workplaces, culture, and leadership. Hence, we can safely conclude that hybrid work models are a sustainable choice for the future.

Edited by Suman Singh

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)