Bengaluru, Karnataka based Asan is a social venture with a mission to eradicate period poverty across the world. Asan was founded on the belief that no one - wherever they are in the world - should ever have to worry about access to safe and high-quality period care. Asan exists for three reasons: to bring the world’s best quality period care; to make their products accessible to those who are most in need; and to share responsibility for creating a greener planet. Their Principal product - The Asan menstrual cup - is designed and engineered at the Harvard Innovation Lab, USA. Their proprietary design features a unique removal ring that makes it incredibly easy to remove. They hold ourselves to the highest international standards when it comes to quality and safety. At Asan, they believe that access to period care is a fundamental human right, and that no one should ever have to miss out on work or school on their period. This is why for every menstrual cup that is purchased, Asan donates one for free to a woman or girl in need. They work with some of the world’s most trusted NGOs and women’s cooperatives to distribute their product, provide training on how to use it, and spread awareness about menstrual health.