Engineering and Environmental Solutions is a tech venture that provides customers with various types of sensor based IoT devices, customised solutions and real time environmental monitoring to international bodies, govt. agencies and large corporates.

Mar | Founding Team Hired
Hamza and Sabir joined hands as co-founders

Mar | Company Incorporation
Established in 2015 as a bootstrapped venture

Dec | Started Generating Revenue
Right from the first year of operations, the venture became profitable

Mar | Key Leadership Hire
The team began to expand as more people joined. Rehan, Misfer and a few others were among the first to join. Then in 2017, Raheel came onboard on the management team.

Mar | Key Revenue Milestone
The company which was already profitable began to touch new heights. In 2020, we achieved revenues of Rs. 10+ crores and our target is to reach Rs. 20 crores within the next financial year.