Basic Information
RoundSqr is a digital company (Data, Analytics [AI / ML / CV], Blockchain). They help businesses define problems, and solve them using emerging technologies. They go in as transformation consultants, understand the lay of the land, define problems and opportunities jointly with the customer, create the solution roadmap, execute POCs to prove the case, finalise technologies, leverage their existing solutions, assemble teams quickly and walk with clients all the way to value realization through digital transformation. Some of their solutions include nGAGE (ML driven customer engagement platform), cSMART (AI-driven Smart Surveillance on the edge) and iCHAIN (Enterprise Identity on the Blockchain).
Legal Name
Aparaa Digital Private Limited
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
61 to 100
Core Team
Kiran Kuchimanchi
Chief Executive Office
Srinivas Atreya
Chief Data Scientist
Ram Manjeri
Chief Revenue Officer (CRO)
Revenue Stream
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