What is an HTML element?

An HTML element is the individual component of a webpage or the HTML document, once it has been parsed into the DOM (Document Object Model). HTML consists of a tree of nodes, and the most important node is the text node. Each node has its specific HTML attributes, and the nodes can also have content and text of other nodes. Various HTML nodes represent the semantics, such as the title nodes represent the title of an HTML document or webpage.
Different Concepts of HTML Elements:
1. Document vs. DOM:
The HTML documents are usually delivered as "documents". They are then parsed and turned into the DOM (Document Object Model) internal representation, within a web browser. Early HTML elements or documents were invalid and consisted of various syntax errors. Also, the parsing process was required to fix all the major and minor errors.
2. Elements vs. Tags:
The Tags and Elements are the two different terms but are often confused with each other. HTML documents contain the tags, but do not have any HTML element. The elements, on the other hand, are generated after parsing a webpage. Generally, the position of an HTML element is indicated from the Start tag and possibly consists of the child content. It can be terminated anytime by the End tag.
3. SGML vs. XML:
SGML is the complex with limited understanding and adoption. On the other hand, XML has been developed as the simple alternative but works exactly like SGML. Both of them are used to specify the supported HTML elements and the permitted combinations such as the document structure. In Macros, the HTML can be formed either through the HTML 5 or via XHTML. Also, the parsing of a web document as DOM element is simplified to an extent.
Parts of the HTML container element:
In the HTML syntax, all elements are written with the start tag and the end tag, having content between them. The HTML tag consists of the name of an element and is surrounded by the angle brackets. On the other hand, the end tag consists of the slash and an angle bracket that distinguishes it from the start tag. There are different kinds of HTML elements, such as raw text elements, normal elements, and void elements. The void elements have a start tag and do not contain any end tag.
An overview of links, tags, and anchors:
HTML is best known for offering various conventional publishing idioms for the rich text and the structured documents. What separates it from the other markup languages are the features of hypertext and the interactive documents. An HTML link consists of two ends, which are also known as anchors, and a direction. Without these links, your web pages will not be connected or indexed properly. Similarly, tags and anchors play a significant role to connect your website to the internet. All these three HTML elements help reduce your site's bounce rate, and you can learn a lot about them from the WCAG and bookmarking sites such as W3C's, WAI (WebAIM), and CynthiaSays.