Want to be successful? You don’t have to wake up early!
Don't worry if you can't wake up early! Success doesn't come easily to those who love to get up early mornings. If you don't believe it, then this article will broaden your vision.
Do you want to achieve great success in life? A powerful morning ritual is the key to it.
Do you want to have a great body and calm mind? Early morning meditation can help you achieve it.
You won’t be able to survive the competition and stress in the real-world as told by my parents.
Every book, article, and person advises me to wake up early in order to be successful. Although I am not a late riser,I am also not a morning person either. I could never really understand what early rising could do for me to succeed? It won't increase the number of hours in the day. I'd still get tired after working the same number of hours. I'd productive for the same amount of time. In fact, I might have to face a tough time embracing this lifestyle as my biological clock is set for sleeping at a usual time, and waking up accordingly.
Being an entrepreneur, I handle a great deal of things throughout my day including office work, handling employees, looking after a lot of bills and deadlines, paying enough attention to my family, and of course my health. The best part is that I have been able to do all this without waking up too early in the morning. “Against the prevalent thinking that you need to be an early riser to achieve success in life.” In fact, at times my father would still tell me if you wake up a bit early you can achieve the whole world of things.
The fact that my parents still feel I could have done better only if I could wake up early really frustrated me. So, I sat on to research and find out whether success demands only waking up early. Here’s what I found-
I found that there were people who aren’t early morning risers but they are successful. Yes, you read it right. They are super-successful and happy with their work and personal life. The following is a list of all those people from around the globe who have broken the myth that success is available only for early morning risers.
Mark Zuckerberg
Mark Zuckerberg has been a “not morning person” all his life especially till the birth of his daughter, Max. So, now he is able to wake up by 8 in the morning provided he hasn’t worked all night.
You may be surprised to read that Zuckerberg’s morning routine includes checking his phone, Facebook, and news. While most of the experts advice to stay away from distraction at the beginning of the day, Zuckerberg doesn’t hesitate to do it the other way.
Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett wakes up at 6:45 a.m. but he reaches his office only after the market opens Also, he doesn’t have a full calendar with a fixed schedule.
He follows the 80/20 principle which says that 80 percent of results can be achieved through 20 percent of the efforts. Buffett is known to spend 80 percent of a normal workday reading, learning, delegating, and studying. The rest 20 percent is spent on working.
Winston Churchill
The world knows that Winston Churchill had been the prime minister of UK twice. But few people know about his morning routine, which didn't include waking up early.
While Churchill stayed in bed till 11.30 am, after getting up at 7.00 am. He used to have his breakfast in bed followed by reading of national newspapers and mail. After that he used to dictate his secretaries and begin office work before he made it to bath.
There are many examples including Gustave Flaubert, Cynthia Ozick, Alexis Ohanian who don’t follow a strict early morning routine. These people have been masters of their trade and made success and world follow them.
Next time, anyone tries to make you feel low by pinpointing your morning routine, give them an answer straight to the face - success does not have to do anything with waking up early or late. It has to do with your willpower and conviction. Have confidence in yourself and know that only the best will follow.
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