"Passion Made", a new culture!
A start-up that aims to fill the gap between fashion and passion
Let us start with some work for your imagination. Visualise a guy going to a party dressed up in football jersey and boots. Got it!
Okay, now let's come back to reality. Don't you think the same scene repeats itself almost everytime we step out? We can easily find people dressed up in apparel that don't match their personalities or the occasion, right?
We believe that, people are in need of a way to show-off their passion proudly and fashionably. Which is why "Passion-Made" products "Beppo" came into existence, to fill the gap between fashion and passion.
We have aimed to cover almost all the interest and hobbies that prevail in our society, so that now one can wear something meaningful, and something that represents their passion.
After all, first impression is all that matters!
Since the locomotive era has begun in our country, we decided to kick-off our products with the most celebrated passion - "bikes and cars".
What's unique about Beppo?
We plan to launch apparel that have a brilliant feel and comfort, at an affordable cost.
With an appealing design that speaks for itself, we also have something at the back of the tees that states the identity of the person. We have this unique feature which differentiates us from all other brands - our products allow you to get noticed twice.
Try "Beppo", to feel the magic!
In the process of developing a brand we are also very conscious about protecting our environment by not dumping wastes through by-products. So we did a clean research and we have made our products by eliminating everything that goes into the trash and doesn't add value to the customer.
So we don't use any scratchy brand labels or useless handtags. We also use reusable packaging covers and noticeable wash care instructions.
We haven't officially launched yet but we are pleased to exhibit a sample of our work.
We Welcome Investors!
Having did a lot of back-end work in converting the idea into a brand, we are now looking for enthusiastic investors to hop on-board with us to grow bigger and to create an impact in the Indian fashion culture.
To know more kindly check out - beppo.in