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White collar legal LLP - A story of humiliation turned into motivation!

A story of a firm of Company Secretaries and Lawyers...of why, what, when and how...and what next?

White collar legal LLP - A story of humiliation turned into motivation!

Wednesday June 07, 2017 , 2 min Read

It was somewhere in 2013 when Kunal Sarpal, Founder & Managing Partner of White Collar Legal LLP, was into coaching students had a bitter experience. Not with his coaching or his students but in his step towards formalizing his entrepreneurial journey. 

When the class did well and a friend suggested that he set up an entity or a company, he was excited and was already dreaming of being an owner of a large company and employing a sizable number of employees. It was when he approached a lot of professionals to get this done that he realised that, there are numerous road-blacks, disrespect and frustration on this journey. 

To being treated like a kid and being told to sign here and there, to not being heard and to not being related to. This journey of formalising his business was pulling him down and killing all his hopes. Leave aside the fall in motivation. Then something classic happened!

Kunal thought. "If this can happen with me, it can happen with many. The hardships I face today, need not be faced by many." And voila! He decided to help people start their business as a legal and tax professional. Today, as a Company Secretary and a Lawyer, through White Collar Legal LLP, he along with his team has set up more than 250+ businesses and he is proud of the fact that they have been recognized as one of the top players in this segment. 

As they say, fortune favours the bold and passion attracts profits.

Why read this?

To understand that every frustration in your life, every humiliation. Can be turned into motivation and consequently become inspiration for one!

We did well


Happy moment to be in the media!

Happy moment to be in the media!

What next?

We wish to help 100 entrepreneurs take their Idea to Impact each year!

To know more about us and what we do, visit us at 

Take care and remember the last time someone humiliated you. Its time to turn that into motivation and become an inspiration!