13 Reasons why small businesses should learn from Netflix?
The shift from Television to internet streaming has been evidently rapid. The privilege of watching movies and series while commuting or while relaxing anywhere in the house, overpowered Television. Television required its viewers to be immobile. Internet streaming is flexible and provides many more satisfactory services. Netflix, one of the most famous online streaming company that has paved its way to success by making the maximum use of technology.
Netflix has been in power since 1997 selling DVDs and rentals by mail. With the growing opportunities provided by Internet, Netflix left no chance to grow from one country to 190 countries. Netflix with a competition of many other online streaming services has still managed to maintain its brand and is being widely used. Online streaming services are highly in demand. The competition has been extremely tight since other online streamers like Amazon Prime, Hulu, Hotstar etc have come on the field. It all comes down to offering an excellent selection of TV shows, movies and services.
Netflix might be a media service but its milestones have given each and every enterprise values to learn from.
Here are 13 reasons why small businesses should learn from Netflix
When you come across a Netflix advertisement or banner the first thing you get attracted to is the logo of Netflix itself. The logo is simple, rectangular and is bold with its letters. The color red depicts warm, exciting, sexy, and urgent. It is the color of blood and romance, of stop signs and classic roses.The logo is powerful and is just enough to leave a positive impact on those who come across it. Its can be easily identified and is definitely captivating.
Netflix here has clearly defined the power of visual branding by making appropriate use of designs, logos and positioning.
We have made sure our visual branding attracts maximum audience. Branding plays a crucial role in creating an audience that is strong and loyal.
a) We created our logo using colors that will attract the audience.
b) We did not hesitate investing on building up a Unique Brand Identity
c) Brand Compliance is a big must for us.
d) Uniformity in presenting your brand across all channels.
e) PrintStop’s Image, Promise and Service are same across all verticals.
The debate of choosing between Digital marketing and Traditional Marketing is difficult to resolve. However, Netflix has rejected the idea of choosing and has utilized both the techniques to get the maximum results. Netflix is all over the internet, the advertisements that we come across informing us about the new shows and movies or the huge hoardings and banners that we come across on the highways and building tops. This proves that Netflix highly believes in reaching out to the audience and also believes in trying out new ways to target their audience.
Our Marketing has always been a mix of Traditional Marketing, Outdoor, Print, Online etc. We at PrintStop believe that marketing can either make or break the business.We understand the importance of both the marketing techniques and try to incorporate both of them to get the assured results.
If you ever checkout Netflix’s social media handles, they are highly active. They make sure that they engage with their audience after every few hours be it new releases post or funny post or even posts talking about social change. Netflix has made sure they interact with their audience and assure them that Netflix is listening.
This not only helps them in keeping their audience hooked but also makes sure that they are considering the interests and feedbacks from their audience.
At PrintStop, Social media is given major importance as it has the power to deliver your thoughts and connect with the audience. Keeping all the social media handles active is very effective and helps you maintain transparency with your audience.
4. Cultural differences
Netflix serves 190 countries, these countries have their own unique culture and this culture may not only vary from country to country but can also be different within the country. It understands this and has different shows and movies depending on the country. Netflix is not uniform, it has blended and molded to the values and ethics of the respective culture, giving scope for more. For example, Netflix India also has a variety of Marathi, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil films to up-bring the existing talent.
‘A Netflix production’ is often seen at the beginning of many Indian movies depicting that Netflix does not tend to dissolve the culture but respect it. Here Netflix stands as a very important example of adapting to the culture of the location.
PrintStop understands the significance of culture and makes sure that we adapt to the culture of the region.
The wide collection provided by Netflix when it comes to movies, Tv shows and documentaries attracts a lot of users. To know and understand what the users want to see is important. Netflix enables its viewers to choose between a set of Genre. They have Romance, Horror, Sci-fi, Crime, Independent, Sports, Anime, Musical etc. Each Genre has a wide list of movies and TV-shows enabling the user to choose from a vivid collection. This gives Netflix the advantage that their viewers will never run out of options or the content will not be boring. To learn from this, Netflix does not let the audience distract themselves. It pulls them into buying more.
PrintStop makes sure that a variety of options are given to its viewers in terms of products as well as templates to choose from, we make sure that the customer never gets bored or runs out of options.
6. Netflix utilizes your laziness
Netflix has done a thorough research when it comes to their audiences. The app or website is really very easy to surf through, there is nothing confusing and everything is literally at the tip of your hand. Netflix knows the struggle it takes to go back after the video to the episodes page and then click on the next Episode. Thus it has enabled the next episode option to make sure that you are not distracted from your interest even for a minute.
Also, the skip intro option to make sure the opening song does not bore you and make you move your thumb until you find the end of the song. It enables the option where all you have to do is press the button and it takes you to the actual content. It makes sure that you are hooked to your content and eliminates every possibility that will make its users exit. This helps us understand that we need to work on every minute detail that will drive our customers away from the product.
We know the importance of every second that our customers spend on the website. So, to make sure that they are not distracted even for a second we make sure that we provide all the features are available at the tip of the hand. To engage the audience in surfing, we keep them occupied by providing them with a variety of options.
7. Personalization
Netflix is not the same for everyone, It may have a variety content but even that content is customized according to every single user. Once you click on a movie you will get suggestions of similar movies, its the same with Tv shows and Documentaries as well. Also, whenever you click on any movie or series it gives you a match option telling you how much it matches to your interests. This percentage is based on your watch history. Also, there is a “Because you have watched …...” option that suggests you a few movies and series based on the movie you watched. This helps us understand that it is very necessary for our customers to have an experience which is personal to them and not a universal one.
Personalization and providing content that resonates, engages and delights the customers is very important. That is what we believe at PrintStop, it is very necessary to understand your audience and make them feel like they can reach you for anything.
8. One month Free subscription
Netflix provides a good opportunity of enabling freshers into getting a one month subscription for free. This is very helpful in terms of getting more audience and attracting new customers. The one month subscription experience enables the users sign in and get a good hold of Netflix. Once they start using it on a daily basis it would be hard to just give up on the app not buy it instead. Here Netflix teaches us to give the audience something in order to get the returns of it.
What do we do at PrintStop?
To gain more users on our website, we provide an offer every time someone registers on our website. We also provide referral points to and to attract more customers.
9. Screen Share
Screen share is a feature that allows a few users to share an account. In this feature, Two users/ Four users/ Six users can share an account. This enables the users to have a cost effective experience and also profits Netflix by receiving more customers. Netflix maximizes its reach by enabling this feature. This is how we need to make sure that we find a balance between our profit and customers needs.
10. My list
My list is a feature which enables the users to create a list of the series or movies that they wish to watch later. This makes it easier for the users to store whatever they like and can be easily accessible whenever they open Netflix.
We have a wish list feature on our website that helps you save all the items you wish to buy. We send out personal mails to remind you of the products in your wish list.
Trending Now is another feature enabling the viewers to know which shows are currently being watched by a lot of people. We do tend to watch a content when its verified or you have most heard of. This feature allows Netflix to convince its audiences to watch the content which is too good.Netflix encourages its audience to watch content with this feature. This content may or may not fit in the users genre but it enables the user to experience new content.
We make sure that the products that are sold on a popular basis get a bigger segment on the page, the product is highlighted so that people are aware of the product.
12. Coming Soon/ New Releases
Netflix advertises itself strongly when it comes to New Releases and Coming Soon. We see huge banners and advertises hanging around on roads, malls, highways, building tops, etc. This grabs major attention of the audience, Netflix talks them into actually watching these series. The App and website contains a different section titled Coming Soon. This proves that Netflix is not only grabbing new users but also the existing users attention for the new content. It advertises within the app and website to get a maximum reach.
Advertising the arrival of new products or services is very important as people would not be aware of the products else-wise. To do so we make sure that we highlight the product on our homepage. We also send out Emails to our customers introducing to them our new product with its launch date. We also do external advertisements to attract more potential customers.
Netflix has come out as a strong brand that has an audience which is majorly youth. It has set a bar for its competitors which is very difficult to live up to. Netflix has made its image as a cool and more of a youth brand. We hear Netflix in movies, series, songs and many more places. Netflix is hyped just enough to have a very strong audience base. It has put forth itself as a very well fortified brand. To put forth a brand that will be mentioned in the everyday life of the people is definitely hard. Netflix has been successful in doing so. Hence, Branding is very important to grow your brand and get the desired results.
Consistency in branding is very important to build brand recognition. We at PrintStop believe that sharing our values with the customers so that we can connect with them and they can believe in the brand.
Joining the dots :
PrintStop has adapted many values from Netflix. To bend and mold according to the interests and needs of the customers is very crucial. Business is not scripted, it is more of a see, experience and learn format. Netflix has taught us how minute details can help you do wonders. To strengthen the very foundation of your business and build an audience that connects with you. It has helped PrinStop become more vigilant and dynamic. Kudos to Netflix to have been such a great inspiration to PrintStop, We see the potential to learn more.
Netflix is a brand that is not just growing in terms of profit numbers but also in terms an Identity. It has created a strong audience that is loyal. Netflix might be a very huge brand but has learnt from the minor mistakes that we make in our business. It has marked so many milestones and has given us lessons to learn from its experiences and technology. A business driven by technology that has left us with opportunities to explore.
More power to Netflix for giving us more power in our business.
If you would like to know more about how to improve your business, you can checkout our blog "21 Reasons to use Quora for your Business."