After a year of Entrepreneurship
How my first year went and what did I learn after leaving a corporate job n India's one of top IT company.
It has been an year now since I quit my job. It was an exciting year of owning my own business. The transition from thinking like an employee to a business owner was tougher than I thought. I had always known that I will start my business. Once you are in this side of the world the game is totally different. You cannot be grateful enough to your family and friends for standing by you.
Here is what owning a business taught me in past one year
1. To think longer term and short term at the same time is unproductive.
2. Your business acumen is directly proportional to managing uncertainty.
3. Decisions need to be taken for lot of things and need to be changed dynamically.
4. Being busy and building your business are two different things.
5. You are more energetic on Monday morning than on Friday evening.
6. You meet all different kinds of people, some ideas are worth listening.
7. You start observing all the businesses around with more detail.
8. Every single month is like a new year.
9. Have to say No for lot of things and at times need to fight for it.
10. The only person responsible for everything that is happening around me – It’s me :-)
Happy Entrepreneurship!
PS: Original article