Get the power to defend yourself
Self defense is the best mechanism in a threatening situation. With an effect pepper spray you get away from danger with one-second bursts.
Monday October 30, 2017 , 3 min Read
Often, people do not pay adequate attention to their own safety. They are hardly prepared to react properly in the event of an attack to defend themselves. It is true that they may not gain much by getting into a fight with the assailants/s but their best bet should be to look for a chance to make a quick escape from such situation. One must try and avoid direct confrontation.
Here keeping self defense sprays with women, the elderly or anyone else may come handy to enhance their chances of survival or escape. Since the impact of a good pepper spray lasts for up to 40 minutes, it gives the victim enough time to escape an assault.
There are many good self defense sprays available in the market and you must know how to select the best one for yourself. Also, you must know how to use it for optimum effect. Here are some useful tips about buying and using a self defense spray or pepper spray.
Go for the most suitable size: A pepper spray or peppergard is available in various sizes and packaging. Please don’t get carried away with beautiful packaging but ensure that the quantity of the spray is sufficient enough. Buy at least a 55ml/ 35 gm defense spray can, which will give you adequate supply to last during combat. It should be a pocket model convenient to keep in a pocket, purse, backpack, or with keyswith finger-grip feature for easy aim during emergency. It should have a key chain, ideal to keep with your keys or quickly tuck into a pocket or purse before going out.
Be careful about the range: As you take out your safety device, it is also probable that the attacker may snatches it from your hands and may insteaduse it on you. You need to remember that the peppergard generally has a range of 7-10 feet. So, you must be out of the attacker's reach when you press the pepper spray for use.
Always carry pepper spray: You are advised to carry pepper spray in your hand all the time, especially when you venturing out or coming back home late in the night, walking in deserted streets/park or traveling without any companion in a cab.
Know how to use it effectively: You must be well-conversant with the functioning of your self defense tool, otherwise, you won't be able to use it to your advantage during the threat. The best place to practice using it is to do so in an open space like terrace or park, instead of indoors as even a small accidental discharge of it may produce sneezing.Please avoid kids or elderly people coming near you as you are learning to use this device. Also, see that the wind is not blowing towards you.
Use it in vulnerable spots: While the pepper spray should mostly directed into the eyes of the attacker, you may also aim for his face, nasal or ear cavities, if he shields his eyes.