What is blockchain technology? Is it only about cryptocurrency exchange?
From a cruising height, a blockchain won't not appear to be that unique from things you're acquainted with, say Wikipedia.

"From a cruising height, a blockchain won't appear to be that unique from things you're acquainted with" says Wikipedia.
With a blockchain, numerous individuals can compose sections into a record of data, and a group of clients can control how the record of data is corrected and refreshed. Similarly, Wikipedia sections are not the result of a solitary distributer. Nobody individual controls the data.
Plunging to ground level, in any case, the distinctions that make blockchain innovation novel turn out to be all the more clear. However, both keep running on disseminated systems (the web), thus Wikipedia is incorporated into the World Wide Web (WWW) utilizing a customer server arrange the show.
A client (customer) with consents related to its record can change Wikipedia passages put away on a unified server.
At whatever point a client gets to the Wikipedia page, they will get the refreshed rendition of the 'ace duplicate' of the Wikipedia passage. Control of the database stays with Wikipedia chairmen taking into consideration access and consents to be kept up by a local expert.
Wikipedia's advanced spine is like the very secured and unified databases that administrations or banks or insurance agencies keep today. Control of brought together databases rests with their proprietors, including the administration of updates, get to and securing against digital dangers.
The digital backbone of the circulated database made by blockchain innovation is fundamentally different. This is additionally the most particular and critical component of blockchain innovation.
Wikipedia’s ‘main copy’ is stored and edited on the server and all the nodes can see what new changes are made. However, each hub in the system is arriving at a similar conclusion and each refreshing the record autonomously, on account of a blockchain, thus with the most famous record turning into the true authority record in instead of there being the main copy.

This is the distinction that makes blockchain innovation more powerful - It speaks to an advancement in data enlistment and dissemination that disposes of the requirement for a confided in gathering to encourage computerized connections. And also that makes blockchain is not all about cryptocurrency exchange.
However, blockchain innovation, for every one of its benefits, isn't another innovation.
Or maybe, it is a gamble of demonstrated automation connected once again. It was the definite arrangement of 3 advancements (the cyberspace, private key cryptography and a convention overseeing boost) that made bitcoin maker Satoshi Nakamoto's thought so helpful.
The outcome is a framework for computerized cooperations that does not require a trusted outsider. Securing computerized connections is certain - provided by the rich, straightforward, yet powerful system design of blockchain innovation itself.