My revolution for my India
I just want to share how I feel and want to see India, as being an educator and a mother I want every child of my country to be educated-From the Desk Of Mrs Seema Sharma
Education is the best gift bestowed upon us by the almighty. It gives us the sense of what is wrong and what is right and this is something that differentiates humans from the animals. Some people call it taleem some call it Shiksha but the meaning everywhere is same to enlighten the minds of mind and hearts of the people to make them understand about the meaning of helping each other’s.
The Indian education system happens to be one of the largest education systems in the world but this doesn't means it is the best because our education system heavily focusses on conventional classroom teaching and marking system where the caliber of students is measured in terms of marks received on theoretical aspects. But if we compare our education systems of countries like USA, UK, Australia and Germany they focus on experiential learning where they tend to give more options to have practical knowledge rather than learning answers from the books and notebooks. Not only this they have heavily promoted distance learning also so that those who have left education due to any unforeseen circumstances can continue their education without any hassles.
India on the other hand despite having the best distance based schooling system known as National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) is lacking behind when it comes to list which features the most literate nations. NIOS was setup in 80's by the government of India to let the individuals who were not able to complete their education for what reason might be without any hassles and due to the equivalence of the degree with the other boards and universities across India students can also complete their higher education with ease.
We as the responsible and educated youth of this country should take a pledge to eradicate illiteracy from the country because this is a plague which is slowly destroying the roots of our culture and development. There should be no one left uneducated and best method is to reach out to people is not by giving big advertisements or giving speeches it's by reaching out to every house hold and training the youth by an integrated module where they can make their living out of it by teaching others and this chain continues forward. This will ensure that there is a school in every home where they teach and motivate the children the leaders of tomorrow to be well qualified to tackle the problems of the country and the society altogether. Such schools don’t require no heavy infrastructure, no capital investments, no uniforms nothing is required only what is required is a will to teach and get educated. And to make this happen NIOS is the best medium which not only overcome geographical boundaries but also language hurdles also. Apart from schooling the students can also complete pursue some job oriented courses also. NIOS also offers merit scholarships to the excellent student where their higher education is completely funded by the government and such a reward give wings to the dreams of young minds that they bring laurels to the nation.
I dream of seeing a completely educated India by 2055 and see our nation on top of the prestigious list of the most educated nations.
So taking forward the legacy and the message we are pleased to start a nationwide campaign where we will approach and attract such individuals and educate the youth to each one-learn one.
Let us come together as one nation and join our hands to build a better India of tomorrow for our children. Its only our efforts and unity that can build the platform for better and literate India. And today I as an Indian I give my full alliance for supporting this wonderful revolution to bring schools to those needy children who themselves cannot go to schools.
Seema Sharma