4 Essential Statistics that Help Evaluating the Progress of Your Blog
Here are a few important statistics that you need to monitor for your blog along with relevant social media outlets, once a month.
Just setting up your blog and getting some satisfactory amount of visitors are just the two mina milestones that you have passed through, for accomplishing your online business goals. Just like you would monitor your firm’s operations in order to acquire more sales and boosted reputation, monitoring your blog is essential, for knowing how well it is doing, so that you can attract more targeted visitors and SEO rank.
Actually, monitoring or keeping the track of your blog’s performance is vital to check whether your current strategies are effective or not. This tracking will certainly help you to retain the existing visitors and attract more in order to achieve more visibility as well as higher rank. So, it is important to monitor the performance of your blog from all angles even though you may feel is boring in the beginning. There are a few important statistics that you need to monitor for your blog along with relevant social media outlets, once a month.
The growth of your blog depends on the number of posts published on your site as well as on other sites. As a rule of thumb, too few posts and too many posts, let’s say on weekly basis, can hamper the overall performance of your blog. Therefore, it makes sense in tracking the posts once you notice a connection between the number of posts and blog popularity or performance.
Keyword Rankings
For any blogger, it is important to consider the main keywords for which you wish your blog to rank for and keep a check on ranking for those phrases frequently. In order to do so, you need to obtain a mass-produced search result by being out of your Google Account, search history, and personal settings in your search preferences. You can also take the advantage of many tools such as Free Monitor for Google for keeping a track of keywords for your blog. Free Monitor for Google refers to a free search engine tool for finding a position of your site in Google Top for the targeted keywords and obtaining more visitors.
Visitors, Views, and Rank
In order to track these two factors that decide the popularity of your site, Google Analytics is the best tool to take the advantage of! All you have to do is set up Google Analytics for your micro site that allows embedding your own analytics code. You can log into this tool each month and see statistics such as number of visitors, visits, bounce rate, and page views for knowing your blog’s traffic and that how that traffic is retained on your site.
Similarly, it is worth tracking the page rank of your site. In order to do so, you have the Google PageRank tool at your disposal. Although the significance of page rank is not that stable in the SEO industry, tracking the page rank is vital as long as Google keeps changing it. It is known that Google ranks a page on the basis of authority and relevancy. Authority of a site refers to the number as well as quality of back links your site contains. This is exactly what the page rank tool reveals.
Social Media Followers
Do keep an eye on the growth of Twitter community for your blog with the help of Twitter Counter that reveals the followers and following stats since past three months for free. In case of a Facebook fan page, just take the advantage of Insights present on the right sidebar of the logged-in page. It will show off statistics for the number of likes, post views, and post feedback during the period specified by you.