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5 Ways to Keep Making Your Clients Happier

5 Ways to Keep Making Your Clients Happier

Tuesday May 28, 2019 , 5 min Read

Happy Client

If you own a business, one major responsibility you have is to keep your clients happy. Customer satisfaction is one of the important ingredients for deciding an organization’s success. Besides the quality of products and services that you provide, always make sure that your clients are happy by the way are served. A good client servicing is not only restricted to one time but a ritual that you should abide forever to retain your customers.

You have to balance and give equal importance to both existing and new customers. Taking care of their happiness and satisfaction should be your utmost priority. No matter how small or big your business is you should never compromise on client’s happiness.

Even Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon said- “If we start to focus on ourselves, instead of focusing on our customers, that will be the beginning of the end. The key to prolonging that demise is for the company to “obsess over customers” and to avoid looking inward, worrying about itself”.

Here are 5 ways to increase your client’s happiness

  • Stay connected

Communicating with your customers is very important. Be it for communicating new updates, services or offers going on, or be it for getting feedback. Always ask them how happy they are with your services. Ask for a rating on a scale of 0-5, 5 being the best. If they give you a 100%, ask what exactly they liked and on the contrary, if you do not get a full score then do ask them what they find lacking and want you to improve.

Customer feedback is very essential and one should take it seriously than just listening for the sake of it. Be it appreciation or criticism, always welcome it with a positive attitude. Be polite while asking for feedback and don’t justify yourself for the negative one. Just apologize and assure better services in the future. Work on the feedback's and improvise.

  • Put yourself in the client’s shoes

Yes, you are an expert in what you are doing but don’t act like some supreme power in front of your client’s. Always understand client’s requirement and listen to their ideas and inputs. Client’s happiness is proportional to the service they get. And no one better than the client itself can help you achieve that. They will tell you what exactly they want and how they want. So, listen to their needs and give them personalized service.

“I know it all attitude” doesn’t work here. In fact, it can give reverse effects at times. Your client will lose interest in working with you and it will lead to nothing but unnecessary conflicts. Which will result in an unhappy and unsatisfied customer. So, value your customer’s point of view as well.

  • Give a special and personal touch

To strengthen the relationship with your clients, add a personal touch such as a handwritten card on special festivals, or sending them gifts and flowers on special occasions. Love and Romance Flowers Online is a good choice if you wish to add that special touch in your professional relationship by sending an elegant bunch of flowers. It shows that you care about them and makes you their- “the top of mind choice”. Never underestimate the power of small gestures you show to your customers because they win you the loyalty points.

  • Promptly reply to your client’s emails

Always follow a zero-day norm when it comes replying to customer’s emails. If possible, within a few hours. You may not be able to respond with a detailed email but at least you can send an acknowledgment mail saying that you will get back soon. Doing this also reduces the chance of you to skip any criticality raised by the client. If something important comes up you are right there to assist.

Quick response time show to your customers that they are important and you are always there to help them out. This builds customer’s trust and gives them a sense of assurance that they will get a resolution soon.

  • Don’t over commit and be realistic

Setting unrealistic expectation and under delivering them is the worst you can do. Meeting client’s expectation is difficult and when you already set the bars high, you make it harder. So, it is always better not to over-promise at first. Rather under promise and over deliver. At least your clients will be getting the same or more than what they were expecting. This will give you a happy and satisfied clientele, and makes you a reliable source for them. Which means some percentage of client retention part is sorted, so it is a win-win situation for you.

Never take your customer’s for granted and always thrive to make them happy. Use the above tips for having happier clients to win their loyalty and add value to your business.