Better Brains: How to keep your office energised
Owning your own business can be extremely rewarding, but it can also come with some major challenges. As the owner, you have to keep track of expenses and income, workflow and inventory, and you have to ensure that your employees are productive. The best way to boost your productivity is to treat your employees well and energize your office space.
Feng Shui
Feng Shui is a Chinese philosophy regarding the way the surrounding environment is arranged can have a deep impact on the energy of the room. Take into account which your back faces while sitting at your desk and rearrange the furniture so that you are facing the door.
Another way to create good energy with Feng Shui is to clear your desk and allow only the items you are working on that day. Add some color by bringing in artwork or office appropriate decor that brings back happy memories or makes you feel good. Plants also do a really good job of bringing in natural energy and purifying the air. These elements of Feng Shui are great ways to keep your office energized.

Coffee, Snacks, and Exercise
If you work in an office at a desk all day, it is likely that the midday slump will affect you. You can avoid the slump by ensuring that you and your employees are nourished and get your blood flowing. Encourage everyone to get up out of their chair and walk around for five to ten minutes every two hours, and keep the break room stocked with coffee and energy-boosting snacks like nuts and fresh fruit. Your employees will appreciate the occasional break and be more productive when they are actually working.
Honor Special Occasions
Employees like to feel noticed, and a great way to boost productivity is to recognize special occasions. Make sure to wish them a happy birthday and acknowledge their anniversaries with the company. This will make your employees feel valued and create a positive energy in the office.
Declutter and Organize
Probably the most obvious way to energize your office is to clean it up. Get rid of all of the papers and things you don’t need. If you can function without it, toss it. For the items that you do need, create a space for them. Get nice organization and storage items to keep your office in order. Once you create a space for everything, put it back where it belongs, every time. You will breathe a sigh of relief when you see your office decluttered and organized. Hiring a professional cleaning service like Comclean Australia Pty Ltd or someone similar makes this step much easier.
Keeping your office energized doesn’t have to be difficult. Keep things organized, arrange your furniture according to Feng Shui, and make your employees feel valued. These steps will keep your office energized and boost your productivity.