Let's get you to pamper yourself
Just a simple reminder for moms to pamper themselves

Lighten up!
We believe for a person to function and life life to the fullest, its important that one takes time out for oneself and has a balanced lifestyle. And this time becomes all the more important for a working mom, since she is trying to juggle both work and family. Being able to function and perform to the best of her abilities in both phases of her life, she sure deserves to gift herself some time for her own self and nothing else, thus treating and pampering herself in the whole process. These lifestyle enhancers sure go a long way.
Take vacations - Allow yourself to travel and explore places, meet people and with that know yourself even more.
Be present in the moment : No matter where, try and be present there, without any distractions about family or work.
Tantrum - Throw a tantrum once in a while, its okay, you are only human.
Schedule unplug times - Lisen to music, write for yourself, throw some paint, do what makes YOU happy.
Have a bestie - Always nice to have that one friend who you can pour your heart out to without a second thought.
Sleep in on the weekends - Sleep for yourself, Sleep with yourself.
Try something new - Take a painting class, or a reader's group.
Exercise - Running, Pilates, Weight-training, Yoga, do what makes you feel one with yourself, and gives you what it takes to push forward.
Go on a proper date - Go out with your partner (if you have one) or go out with yourself, and treat yourself to some great food and drinks.
Ditch the guilt - And while you do all the above, please kick the guilt out of the picture.
Be forgiving of yourself - Know no one is perfect, so be more forgiving of yourself, and breathe and live free every now and then.
Gift yourself - Treat yourself to gifting yourself and enjoy the perks of surprising yourself.
Hope this helps getting you out into a zone wherein you and your interests count and matter. So start living for yourself, and let life treat you for all that you are at your work and with your family.