Get medical second opinion online
Please visit our website: http://www.webvaidhya.com
Growth in Healthcare and Internet based sectors has been exponential over the last few years and we will see the trend continuing for quite some time in future. There has been an explosion of Multi-speciality hospitals in major metros in developing countries. Despite the growth people do not have access to the best healthcare practices prevalent in countries like United States. Our mission is to provide access to best healthcare practice trends available in United States. Through a web based portal patients get an INITIAL or SECOND OPINION from Physicians who live and currently practice Medicine in United States. All are American Board Certified in one or more disciplines. This is a virtual American Multi-speciality Physician group practice at your doorstep. Anyone with a computer and internet access can consult any Specialist in our group with minimal effort. Need a simple Patient form filled providing patient particulars, a brief history, upload labs and diagnostic imaging films or video into the portal and our expert Physicians will provide the best Impression and plan.Our user friendly patient form has provision for imaging films and videos to be easily uploaded in seconds for our Physicians to access these through a secure,HIPAA compliant cloud based portal.
We will decrease Healthcare costs for patients and Health Insurance Companies,Prevent Medical errors,prevent unnecessart treatments,procedures,expensive tests and surgeries.
Best Medical practices in United States are backed by evidence based Medicine ,world reknown Research practices and concept based training protocols. We will bring this concept to patients across the Globe . Unlike Hospitals and Clinics that have geographic boundaries in terms of access to patients, our practice has no such limitations. Patients can reach us with a computer from their living rooms. Our doctors include Pediatricians, internal Medicine and OBGYN providing consultations for preventive medicine, immunization protocols, appropriate age related screening recommendations for cancer, heart disease, Kidney diseases and so on. Specialists include Cardiology,Gastroenterology,Pulmonary and critical care,Nephrology,Endocrinology,Hematology Oncology,Rheumatology,Dermatology,General Surgery,Transplant Medicine,Radiology,Orthopedic surgery,Ophthalology,Otolaryngology,Neurology, etc.
We provide all this for a very affordable fee for service. Special emphasis will be on Preventive Medicine and Prognostic indicators in each Speciality. We are all American trained Physicians who currently live and practice in USA.