Expert’s answers to all your concussion-related questions
You must have figured out by now that the current medical framework does not promise any specific treatment plan for concussion apart from waiting it out and allowing the brain to heal itself on its own.
You must have figured out by now that the current medical framework does not promise any specific treatment plan for concussion apart from waiting it out and allowing the brain to heal itself on its own. The only guarantee is that the brain would be healing itself with time for sure. As per the findings of the latest research on neuroplasticity, an adult brain is actually capable of renewing and healing itself. It has the capacity to come up with new neural pathways post an injury or any kind of age-associated damage. Many questions relating to concussion keep coming to our minds but we are simply confused as the magnitude of concussion information available currently on the Internet could be pretty overwhelming. So, here are some useful concussion answers to your important queries regarding sports-related concussions.
Who is the best clinical professional for diagnosing a concussion?
Recognizing concussion symptoms is the responsibility of adults and athletes present at the field. An athletic trainer, a parent, or a trained coach could recognize a concussion. However, a physician who is qualified and used to handling and managing concussion cases should be in the best position to make the concussion diagnosis. In the meantime, when in any kind of doubt, the parents should let the children sit and rest. If you doubt that concussion may have occurred, it is a good idea to pull out the concerned player and sit him out until he has consulted a concussion specialist and got a green signal.
What are the concussion-associated symptoms that parents, teachers, and coaches must look out for?
The most common concussion-related symptoms are dizziness, headache, a foggy kind of feeling, experiencing a kind of slowness, and emotional changes. Older kids would be able to describe nausea, light sensitivity or even sensitivity to sound.
How does a kid’s concussion differ from an adult’s?
A concussion is actually the same condition in both adults and children. However, the actual issue is simply that kids need to face the stressors or pressures of organized sports. They are almost always eager to go back for their team. Moreover, children encounter pressure at school thanks to the regimented school schedule and testing. Many concussion symptoms in kids become worse because of exposure to computer screens and smart boards.
Do people actually recover 100 % from a concussion? Can kids resume playing?
With our current knowledge and understanding of concussion, a majority of the clinical experts tend to agree that if an individual has completely recovered from a concussion and shows no apparent symptoms, he could consider going through a ‘5-day Return to Play Protocol’. Once that is done, the kid could safely return to sport.
It is necessary for parents to recognize and understand the serious implications of playing with a concussion. It is mandatory for parents to realize that playing with a concussion is strictly not done. There is no such thing as a minor concussion. Each concussion type must be treated with care and caution. No one should be allowed on the playing field with any concussion symptoms.